Friday, May 30, 2008

a series of unfortunate events?

Friday. 5:54am, 30 may.
ello people! a little early to post i have to say, hahas. didn't post for a few days already and i so wanna post what happened on wednesday, hahas. was the most hectic day for me that i've ever experienced. anyways wed's post will be on the previous post, so to look more organised and i can post thursday's event here. hahas.
woah, 2 post at one go, i don't think i'm going to manage.. plus another coming up about later events of my friday.. oh, faint. =_=

Thursday, 'Slumber'
basically i can skip a lot here, cause i totally didn't go for my first lesson at my private school, Penciltuitor.
refer to my previous post if you're curious about my school. lol.

Neither did i went to college's house to help out her work either. what i do? i pigged the whole afternoon! xD hahahas. i'm such an crap i know. hahas. okok, but i did wake up la in the end.

Woke up at 4pm. not long after went to gobble a packet of chicken rice younger brud got me. =) hehes thanks. then after use bath and change to stand-by to go out cause i know i can't stay at home all day. =x used computer while i waited.

Going out! 6pm.
Finally got stable and went out to meet a friend at causeway point. hahas, she hasn't changed a bit. still as lovely as ever. =)) think it has been about.. 3 months ago since i went out with her? hahas. its good to be back. =) we can still click together ever so good.. well at least i think so, lol. oh and victor, shut your mouth. hahas. xP

Pressie! =))
off course the motive of asking me out was to pass me my pressie hehes. cause she has to go for a camp the next day. wah, to be honest, this is a day i'll never forget. it was a day i get to see how much someone put their heart into making a present for me. hehes, you are loved. =)) oh and just so to let you know, you are the first in giving me, it's the first pressie i got, first in everything. hehes. x)

Dinner, my lunch actually. 7pm.
she was hungry so we went down to mac to spent Macdonald points away. but i didn't used mine cause i'm reserving mine for someone. hahahas, i'll post about it next time. total amount we gobbled: 2 student fillet meals, 1 pac' of Mc Wings and a takeaway 9 pic Nuggets.

after dinner we made our way to sembawang cause i meeting another group of friends. 1/2 of the reason is to send her home actually. =P hehes.

Traveling. 8:00pm
she got off earlier before me, was a little sad i could send her home after so much she've done for me.. hmmms. Alighted a the Semb' Interchange. took 882 instead of taxi to the eating house before sembawang park. then a stranger asked for change to drop in coins into the box for bus fare. so i gladly took out my wallet to return the kindness for those times i had the same situation. =)

Arrival. 8:40pm.
finally reached to see everyone almost finishing up. hahas, first thing i heard was college 's complain that she never felt so used in her life. first time she had to serve 3 big boys soup, plus she's the only girl there. hahahas. sat down and chat and have fellowship together. then was talking about getting a BBQ for later today.

Mainly inviting ken's boys and a few girls? LOL. i kinda feel sad i didn't invite people from my own age. =/ sorry guys.. cause i'm afraid things might turn out to be more of senior & junior thing. wanted the boys to feel more in control and responsible for the fun instead if you guys get what i mean. hahas. ken you wouldn't mind right? its their holidays. hahahas. don't worry, i'll promise i'll take care of e'm. =)

Wah. this was the shock. remember when i took out my wallet to help change money to the stranger? yeah, now when they wanna pay their bills i realised i lost my wallet. sad. i don't lose personal things so easily de. sad.

Went to backtrack myself and searched the whole place to made sure i really lost it in the bus. couldn't find it. sighs. Then college and college-to-be both accompanied me to the bus interchange and police station to make a report of lost wallet. thanks guys. =) afterwards we all went home.

Lament. (wallet.)
Gosh. for all things to be lost.. i lost my wallet. it was a birthday present that gan-mei ivy yeo gave me. =( i'm so sorry i lost it. and off course i lost everything in the wallet too. it has my IC (that's why i went to the police station.) POSB Bankcard and a $60+ amount. oh-oh and lots lots of discount cards inside.. Espirit, 77th Street, Timezone card with Qiu Song's balance inside.=x, and lots of old forgotten memories inside... hmm. i guess its time i let go of the past. hahas. don't worry it won't have anything to do with you guys/gals if you're reading, because the person i know has that relation will never read this blog one. hahas. plus its 2 years ago kind of thing already. lol. even if i didn't, she had already moved on. LOL.

Random comments: 7:02am.
Hmmm. but still losing a birthday present just feels so bad. sorry Ivy!
hmm, another person's birthday is also coming up. she was in my adventure camp group when i was leader.. hahas, she was very quiet then compared to now. so chor lor. xP hahas. gift already found but still haven't brought yet. think going to buy it a few days later after i settled for another wallet first.. hahas.

Oh! Oh! the Pressie i got on thursday! it was so nice! i've never got a gift like that in my life and i so love it. x)) hehes. its a sad thing you can't read this blog until you get your rest from camp this sunday.. can i kiss you? LOL! Don't worry its just a way of saying thanks, nothing more. hahas. =)
i'll so remember this day, the day that happened before my brithday. =)

Good Nights people! =D

in solitude i stray.
But with purity i pray.

the peak of my teen life.

For this post, its been quite a long time ago so i might not blog in detail like i used to, but i'll write what i an remember. =)

Wednesday, 28 may.
The most stressful day of my life.

the case about the "Enlistment act" and fines were one thing. Then there came another uprising headache that i need to settle my Private school enrollment before my birthday which is only 2 days away. Really made me lost the mood to celebrate much. =/

Yeah, it was really a sad period for me, had money crisis of hunting 2k in a hour. only managed to accumulate up to 1.8k but i'm thankful my dear gan-mei Jie Ying came to the rescue.
hehes thanks so much! =))

After everything went to eat dinner with my 2 colleges. wah. Sakae Sushi supper buffet. =P a little ex but get an extra red plate from normal buffets.
i guess having dinner with them lifted my spirits a little.. =)

Now, 4th june 08.
u know, i actually wanted to make this the most bad, emo post i've ever posted because it just so unluckily fall upon my very day;
but i guess i can't do it.

tell you more on the "30may" post.

Be faithful, because you need to.
Be strong, because you are loved.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Good morning lads!
hahas. i just watched a dvd "PS: i love you". Gosh its such a touching story that i so wanna watch again. hahas. its a good movie to watch if you're in those despair kinda mood.
Do watch it! lol.

Dan in real life.
its also another must watch movie for the family too, highly recommended. a little synopsis about it: this movie really connects to all single-parent-fathers. Dan plays a single father with 3 precious daughters, his wife died a 4 years ago. his a kinda like a counselor to parents with their child, teens to be exact.
Movie begins with Dan, always so lonely when he wakes up to see his wife on the bed. pretty sad situation to miss someone like that if you asked me. Anyways story starts to show the intro to all his 3 girls. then after they went for a trip to a nice bg lounge at the lake. Awfully Dan isn't able to mix well with his own kids even though its his job.
So Dan goes out to cool himself to somehow found new life in a woman he just met. things turn out to be that when he got back he found out that the woman was his Elder brother's girlfriend that his brother introduced to Dan's whole big family. interesting huh, but i really have to say this movie is for the family to watch. it'll be a heart warming show for all to watch. =)
Enough of spoilers, the rest is for me to know and for you to find out. hahas.

What Happened in Vegas?
i also just happened to get to watch "what happened in Vegas" too. Story plots gets a little wrong in the start but soon the movie gets more emotional in the mids of the movie. in the ending of the movie it was sweet. hahas. for a guy to say it so means you girls should go watch it. LOL

its another fantastic movie i've watched too. Its animated, and i didn't knew it till i watched it. LOL. the animators made the characters so realistic. fooled me by the cover of the dvd to think the viking guy was even real. lols. Anyways Beowulf lives up to his name! its a must watch movie if you're looking for mystical adventure movie filled with hero-monster action. and oh man, i love that Beowulf title music..
can someone get it for me for my birthday? LOL.
i'm asking too much. hahas.

Now, 7:16am, 28 may.
anyways its the morning. hahas, i'm spoiling some time for my appointment later at 8. hahas yeah i missed the one yesterday, actually set my alarm clock at "pm". lols. how crapy can i get. =P
oh anyways college, i just asked my mom, she said ok. =)) saying it here just so i forget, might sleep once i get home in the afternoon cause didn't really get any sleep yet. hahas. i know, i'll take care. =)
Think its enough said. have to go prepare and eat some Break-fast. hahas. may my appointment for my Deferment be a success.!
take cares readers!

Why do things always seems so.
when it always doesn't? i sigh.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Updates(Chapter 93).

Yes! just called Penciltutor earlier and tml i got appointment for my enrollment into that private school. 8am-9am at Chong Pang, Yishun area there. don't even know if i'll be able to wake up or not either hahas. =x

So far things turn out to be i have to take the 3 basic subject lessons, English, E-math, Science to gain a proper deferment from NS. but problem is that i've registered only for 2 papers; A-math and literaure in english. =/

replacement for the 10k fine & imprisonment. LOL.
fees for 4 subjects would be $220.. Gosh. still Expensive!
hmmm. maybe i'll go there sign up to get paid for teaching also? Hahahas. but i was in awe to find out that that school is only run by 3 teachers. LOL.

Main Concern.
i'm rather worried though, i do not know wether the principle will even allow me to get enrolled in or not. Cause seriously, i'm a 15 pointer, i've already got good result for my 3 main subjects.
A1 for E-math, English B4, Combined-Science B3.

A-math got b4 but i know i can still improve at least by one grade.
Penciltutor don't provide for my literature paper, only for my A-math paper.
With all these said, why would Penciltutor allow me in for? i'm just using them for deferment and only getting myself a teacher for my a-math. i know i'm saying it quite rudely, but its the truth. guess i'll be praying about it all night.. haha.

random thoughts.
gosh, 3 more days and counting before my chance of Deferment is gone. LOL. this is the first time i'm doing a count down for my B'day, plus it isn't for anything but for Deferment from NS. hahas, i'm so craped. haha. its gonna be a weird day for me this friday.....
But seriously, i thank God for making my days so roller coaster these days. although its been frustrating, but i kinda get a little peace out from it.
i dunno how to explain it to you guys,
but its just seems so to me. haha. i'm having a really humorous life right now, nothing else can get better than this. =)) hahas.

Now. 1.54AM, 27 may.
its getting very late. if i don't get some sleep i'm gonna be late for tml. hahas. better go print those documents i need to bring for tml..
Good nights people. =)


i'm coming back.
Because its all about you =)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Enlistment Act (Chapter.93).

one of my worst days ever.
the first law i nearly broke and get fine for.
This is the letter i received:


1. Under the Enlistment Act (Chapter 93), all male Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents are required to serve National Service (NS). Our records showed that you are liable for enlistment into full-time NS upon reaching 18 years old/ completion of your studies.

2. You are now required to file your pre-enlistment documentation in preparation for enlistment and to book a date for you medical screening through the NS Portal between 02/06/2008 and 20/06/2008 by your SingPass ID and SingPass
3. Please note that any NS liable person residing within or outside Singapore who fails to comply with this notice shall be guilty of an offence under the Enlistment Act(Chapter 93) and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $10, 000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years or to both such fine and imprisonment.

wah, at this point i really want to got crazy and mad for the first time in my 17 years of maturity. i so want to shout and start breaking things.. but i'm not that kind of person. =(
Called up the NS call centre for enquiries for a possible "deferment" just now.

clarified with the clerk and i got a little less tensed. i need to get into a private candidate school for o-lvls to be acceptable for any deferment. Then as for private schools, i have to be Below 18 to register into a private school.


Things are turning out to be more spectacular every step i take. =/ First a fine+imprisonment warning, then now another shocking 6 more days to settle everything.
hais, i've aways been so willing to lend other people my shoulders to cry and to whack on. but for myself? i don't know where to look for my own shelter. hahaha. oh sorry, i was laughing at myself. hahas.
NVM! From that day i told my reason to my ex-school's principle for withdrawing off Singapore Polytechnic is because i've been too living my life off that year. i want to start anew. i already knew i have to be independent for my future. i don't want to be a loser.

Decision for life.
Indeed i've always picked a road to run alone on. i've always picked the toughest road to run, always all so lonely. But nvm! i need to be strong. i'm not proving it to anyone by being brave here, i want to prove to myself that this is the road i've chosen to embark on, this is the reason i'm living so hard for.

terrible post.(removed)
i've writen alot of terrible stuff here actually. but removed it and shift it to a un-post post so you people won't get to see it. xP when will i show it? only to that person who really falls in love in me, who really tries so much as i. hahahas. i'm going to be okay, i'm going to be okay.

Now, 12:54am, 24 may.
blog for so long because of a letter. hahas. this have to be the best present NS could ever give me for a birthday present. LOL. i'm tired. gotta go. chal.

love i've given,
love i'm still waiting.

Denied from receiving,
because i've always tried to be forgiving.


i'm losing all my strength. =/
from a high record of 11 pull-ups to a shocking none. i'm so out of my league... i think readers will be shocked if i told you i managed to do 49 push-ups at one go last year December. But now i can even struggle over 3.

gosh. i think i let my left arm rest too much, until to the point where i lost the touch of strength in my left arm. almost every push-up i make i soley depend on my right arm instead, the left just keep disobeying whenever i want to rely on it. i'm so weak. the title "strong" indeed has been taken. super sad.

Back to basics.
never mind. i'm going to train up, build back my strength to my baby left arm. i want to exercise! at least i'm doing something useful. haha.

Today. 3.30pm-9pm
today accompanied 2 boys to BBHQ to buy some stuff. 2 other friends tagged along too. after purchasing stuff we went to kenny rogers! woot! i'm so high. hahaha. college even joked whether we'll became like leonard, keep bring people to nice places to makan. hahaha.

own a car?
but seriously la, hahas, i wanna go to crab shacks first once i get my driver's license and car. LOL! that'll be a very long long time... because i want to use my own money for the car. =x i will not use a single cent from my parents to buy my car. sorry mom & dad! xP

study! 9.30pm-11.00pm.
mac didn't open 24 hours today. it closed at 9pm because of 'repairs'. forgot how to spell the "m" word. lol. so went to mos burger to study. boys already went off earlier so left 3 of us. my buddy came along to join us later then we started to study. then the two friends left first. can see their really tired. hahas. they went off and i noticed soemthing weird but, yeah. hahaha. its never important to notice such things. haha.

Chapters. 11.00-11.05pm.
studied till my brain juice at 0.00%. LOL. but was surprised la, i managed to covered 2 chapters of a-math which that i do not have confidence in within a month. woot! big encouragement. onto triginomic measurement! xD

Groceries. 11.06-12pm.
went to the 883 to get something to recover my brain. nearly end up getting my head into the freezer instead. haha. ate a little supper and got back to do tedious workout and bathed and now posting ever so far. hahas.

Now, 3.11am.
gosh, work's a 9am tml. going client's house to do furnishing(finally!) and clean up of the 3 storey apartment. the one college so wanted to buy. hahas. leave some simple colour edits on, will make it more pleasant to the eyes tml. hahahas sorry people! gotta snooze! Chal!

i don't like getting right answers,
but it doesn't matter now.
because i've denied myself a long time ago.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Heart of Ecclesiastes.

Bored at home. =/
really its nothing to do at home when you're sick.
can't get into study mood. lol. i can only surf net and play games all day. i'm so going to get sicker like this. hahas. oh Gosh! i don't like my hair style!! pray it grows back fast! =x

surf net.
Reading mangas! gosh. i didn't know the stories came out faster in net then being published. now i dunno which is original. hahas. but sad. i spoiled most of the fun buying the comics. i wanna collect them but i already know 2 books ahead le. sad. lol.
nvm! i'm a loyal comic collector. hahaha. =)

read "Bleach" & "One Piece", spoiled it. =P
also just happened to read the ichigo 100%. i say first ah i'm not those people out for 'those' mangas. LOL. i read the story because of the the story of love in the comic. pleas people! think straight! lol.

but honestly i was touched by the twist story of the love triangle. it really felt so touching to me.
gosh i think i'm becoming gay'ish again. lol.
but sad to say la, i thought it would be the other girl cause she was the first he noticed. But end up they had that very sad confession scene!!! x(

"toujou sempai" you are very brave!!!
i'm so preoccupied by mangas...
reflection. ._.
off course after reading it i thought for myself for a while la. thought of everything i went through in my life. from the day i first fell into infatuation till the day i first found out that very love i had been looking for my whole life...

but seriously la, they're all but just a sad "fantasy". things never lasted as thought i would imagine it to be, but more accurately, it ended so coincidently and shockingly fast. hahas, maybe i'm not the type girls would like. hahahahaha!

It doesn't matter! i will not look back! hahas. what has happen, happened. no matter how much i remorse over the past, time won't go back to the way it was. hahas.
i'll just keep on smiling ahead. =)
the leap of faith.
just happened to flip to that very chapter in the bible in church last sunday, Ecclesiastes. i guess it must been faith that brought me to the chapter, because that chapter holds many answers more than any questions i could have asked.
Ecclesiastes, the book of everything. it holds all all the laws i've ever been curious about.

but more importantly, it holds the very answer i've been searching my whole life, the answer to my heart. at that time i really closed my eyes to thank God. he's never forsaken me no matter how many times i've did. i'm contended. =)
Now. 7:36pm, 18 may.
hmmm. just to let you people know i'm fine. after being able to know about the chapter Ecclesiastes, nothing else could've been better. i believe the plan He has prepared for me. i believe in Him. but i will have to say first: follow your God, but do not follow blindly. hahas. okays enough blogging. =) chal.

"Everything is meaningless".
but to the answer of my heart, =)
There is "a time for everything."

Monday, May 12, 2008

mother's day.

one week already now then i update. hahas. this post is seriously been left untouched for quite some time. hahas. i try to keep long stories short. =P

went out with my family on that day to a Japanese restaurant, ichiban sushi(i think.) at Thomson plaza. book the seats and went off the explore on your own. my elder, younger bro and me went to visit this lego shop just downstairs. then end up i got too carried away with sms'ing that two of my brothers brought lego key-chains and i didn't. s.a.d. hahas.

soon we got into a restaurant. wow. i didn't know mom loved lobster that much. hahas. younger bro got a little unhappy about the fact that my parents ordered food with consideration of the amount. so we tried to gobbled down as much as we could. end up i was the last to finish. haha. i still dare to order ice-cream sherbets. xP ohhh its so oishi! fell in love with the ice-cream, hahas.
(Gosh, i can be so gay when i post sometimes. hahas.)

after dinner we went on our way to dad's car. mom slowed down had a little private talk with me and my dad behind my other two brothers back. as i looked at the backs of my brothers, my mom told dad that those two nearly quarreled in front of her when we were having dinner, then she put her hand on my shoulder. gave me a few rubs till i looked at her.

she told me i was always the calm and always there when the 2 quarreled. i told her,"i know. i've always been the link between them 2." she smiled and told me she was glad to have a son like me. i told her, "this fate was already entrusted to me from the day i was born. i devote my life to accepted it." then we smiled. =) and went home happily ever after. hahaha.

Now. 17th may. 5:47am.
gosh. though it may sound rude, but i guess thats my mother's day present for her. although it wasn't my choice to be born into this family, i'm happy i did. =) i know moms usually don't read blogs but, happy mother's day all. =)

gosh. having throat infection, ever since the day before yesterday. =/ gotta take care of myself.. still got 2 more hours to last till parade. oh why didn't i sleep? hahas, tell you peeps in the next post. hahas. chal!

The less i think, the more i smile. =)
gotta have faith! +U !!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

45 hours.

gosh! just got back from my 45 hours of consciousness. =O. i am so tired. will try keeo post short. hahas. went out of the house at near 6 to meet up college and pass her the papers that i helped her print. wah. i tell you its a lot. print 30 plus papers still need 2 sets more. =/

pass notes. (6.20pm)
met up with college and saw my study gang there. hahas. everytime appear at macdonalds no fail. lol. pass the papers and college left with her friend to dinner at a nice place at sembwang shipyard. wah... once i saw the pictures college took hor.. another nice dinner place found. hahahas. x)

meet. (8pm)
oh yeah back to my story, after college left, i stayed awhile then i left for Plaza Sing to meet my elder bro there for overnight lan. =x some more i still having swollen eye-lid. hang around there till like 9-10pm before we went to Meridien's 24hour lan shop.

wah. sad. i didn't want college to know de, but i had to be honest with her when she ask. i never want to lie to her. she got upset about it. then i practically had no mood to play lan. =( plus i'm already out with my brother and his friends le.. i'm like stuck in the middle. but i can say money isn't the bigger concern at that point of time. =(

keep sms'ing her instead of playing dota. hais. a lot of things happened. i'm so worried that college might have different perception of me now. hmmm. i don't know what's going into her mind that time. she can't hide from me when she's upset de. i always know, or at least i presume. =x but then. think after that very day her view of me has changed. =(

Question. =x (1am)
college had to sleep early so end up her sister want to sms me again. =P hahas. wah! asked me same question again. hahas. gave her the same answer i always give her. hahas. hmm, actually i already know my answer. but i'm not going to say! hahahas. too bad. xP

then play-play-play.. till 7am. gosh i have to admit, my swell got a little smaller. =x i also dunno why. hahas. God's grace. hahas. but still whatever i've done i'm still in the wrong. =/ hais. what to do. slap myself? hahas. i'll pray for forgiveness bahx... =(

server closed. we left the place and i nearly forgot my wallet. hahas. went to PS's mac, and woot. macdonalds just open at the right time. =) got in and i tried my first mc-griddles! gosh, i found my 2nd love. in 'mac' terms la. hahahas.

then wah. its the first time i've seen someone took so much pepper at one go. 33packets. my elder brud's friend's meal was entirely covered in pepper, like food dig out from Sahara desert pepp'or-sand. hahahas. xD he spent half of his time tearing and spraying pepper over his meal hahas.

meet college. (9.10am)
we left the place at about 8plus. Elder Brud' and his pal had to go back to dorm, so i went home with his pepper friend. hahas. he alighted at khatib, while i sembawang to meet college for work. [wah, i still haven't really rest at all. >< ] mom woke up a little later than expected, so i had to coordinate everything so nicely that college wouldn't complain. opps! hahas.

off to work.

End up i found out she was quite hardworking with the print notes she asked me to print for her yesterday. lol. went to her house then we bus down to woodlands and then to my house area's woodland's plaza. we brought fishes! hahas but its for client. =/ i never knew college was serious about those fears of furry animals. =x hahas. then all the pets she got so far didn't really last long. =/ must go for petting tutorials liao hor, hahahas.

ride to work. (11am)
mom finally came to fetch us and the fishes(20 guppies) over to the client's 3 storey apartment. oh yeah, i was really shocked that the uncle gave me such a small packaging for 20 guppies.. its like the size of plastic bag you see in the cold-storage for 10 fishballs. LOL. then the guppies are like mature and some even pregnant.

sad, i become good-Samaritan and hand-carried the bag of guppies all the way to work site, to prevent those after-shock from bumps when on the road. so good right? end up i couldn't sleep well. =( oh, we went there first cause i'm rather worried about the lifespan of the packaging. hahas.

client's house.
oh my gosh. when we reached the place we were both like in awe. the house is so BIG. its so damn spacious and big. i'll try visualise it for you people.

you opened a huge black wooden door with your house key and you see a flight of classic stairs up to the second/third level. you walk up then at the second level you walk through the hallway and you see huge, Huge room, expanding about 18m by 10m, 2 of the walls are windowed planes, outside a outdoor designed garden. garden at second level. wow. room so big already, then the garden hor, winner. hahas. wah. all i can say its a dream house. hahas.

got out to the garden to see the fish pond. was surprised there was still a huge sucker fish there. no really, its called a sucker fish. i don't use rude/vulgar words in my blog okays, hahas. other than that still have a few goldfishes there also.

showed college how to release the fishes properly. gently take them out from the bag first and place the pack of fishes into the water and leave it for awhile. you'll see the fishes start to look around and exploring the tank. after a minute you can slowly without bring rough, untie the rubber band then slowly pouring out the fish while keeping the package half-submerged. say so much ler i don't know if she got learn or not. hahas. oh wells.

college got the camera job. she was really excited to explore the house, hahas. half of the time she was telling me that she wants the house, i would too. but sadly the kitchen is small compared to the rest of the rooms. i want a house with big kitchen! hahas.

bad timing.
wah. then wen i visit second house... nature calls. lol. end up use client's house de toilet. lol. then wah! i saw one centipede swimming inside la! gosh! of all places to be poison by an insect! hahaha! end up i have to end it life by flushing it down. =/ use finish le then i clean it like no one was there. hahas xP

after when we're done visiting the 2nd house we went off to lunch at the nearby food court. we all ate the same thing, wanton noodles and chin chow, oh and a big bowl of dumplings aside. =x hahas. we chatted at the table while eating.

mom told me that this saturday night got dinner, elder brud treating. wah, then my mom casually ask college if she wanna join us for dinner. xD hahaha. she tio shock off course. hahas. but yeah la, already say le ma, casual question. =P

journey back. (3pm)
mom dropped us at tenah merah. wah, then college.. wah.. better don't reveal. hahas. train back all the way to cityhall and i took my second rebound of the day then to sembawang again. hahas. got off and accompanied college wait for her friend. end up college was occupied by the phone call. aiyo, college ar.. watch your phone bill. hahas.

summary so-far.
in the end didn't come. hahas. college went home and i went to study in mac. gosh. i don't know how long my battery will last. first train to PS, 8 hours of lan & ton all night till morning, train from dhouby ghaut back to sembawang then met college, work for 5 hours, train from tenah merah all the way back to sembawang again. then now study. ><

study. (4.20pm)
sat at mac and study for good 1 hour about functions, cause meeting jun xian later at 8 to study. saw wei beng and tried to call him, no avail. need to sms him to turn 180 degrees than he saw me. hahas. sat there and we chat for awhile to near 6, before we went up to food court and makan. cheaper ma, hahas. get to steal some good sips from his soup. hahas.

Dota. (6.30pm)
met jun xian they all in jelutong CC for lan. wah, it so packed la. need wait till like 7:20 then can get to play. then wah. our other study mate already reached. her friend couldn't make it so end up she's alone there studying. =/ told jun xian at most 2 games then we go meet her. play till 8.20pm. wah i have to say that compare to the 8 hours i had, the13th coy's dota skill is more skilled. hahas.

study again. (8.30pm)
met joanne at mac first cause jun xian halfway went home to get his jacket, cause we'll be studying like till mid-night. she showed me her text book cause i asked her how to do 'completing the squares' method. wah. read le and master it already. hahahas. then jun xian came and we swtiched to a bigger table. had fun studying there till near 11.30pm.

going off. (11.30pm)
study around 11.40 then two adults just impolitely ask, more like demand from us to give up the table. wah, his face was real rotten not being able to find any seats. =x we packed up and went home. it was super late already so decided to send joanne home. i announce first! i have no intentions what so ever. hahas. doing it because i feel its kinda like my responsibility to any female. ><

journey home. (11.55pm)
hahahas. sending her home was fun, can really be lame with her cause she was in my group a few times in BBGB events. hahahas. its been a long time since i'm so happy le. thanks sister. =) wah then we reach her door stepher ah ma open the door. lol. such a coincidence. hahs. we say our goodbyes and i rush back to the mrt station and manage to catch the last train, even still have a good 8 minutes left. then sad, hp dead. no music. T-T travel home so lonely nia. wish i was a girl and i met someone like me. LOL.

home-sweet-home! (12.50pm)
FINALLY, home-sweet-home. =)) can't remember what i did then, think i changed my clothes, use my laptop for awhile then went to sleep. oh! charge my hp to see joanne's message. hahas. she's a good girl. :) but, sad la, to know such a thing happened to her. i will pray for her. =)

Now. 12 may, 3:39am.
wah. this is a damn long post. i'll try to edit it to a shorter version or at least split it up to 2 post. hahas. just had french toast and took some funny photos with it. cannot blame what, what to do when i'm alone? hahas. okok think i'll go play my PSP le. maybe going to switch to play original games. lol.

Good Night people!

its nice to see someone you care smile,
why not you be the reason they do?
i pray to do what i can. =)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


its been long since i last update. =P was having swollen eye-lid over the last 2 days. that's why although i online i'm most of the time away, resting my eye away from computer.

this morning was terrible. woke up to find i couldn't open up my left eye-lid. hahas. literally it was glued together and i need my fingers to help peel it open. gosh. if one day i don't have hands i dunno what to do when both my eye-lids are swollen. hahas.

wah i tell you there is practically nothing to do at home. i'm banned from studying. =x cannot play too much computer games. i can't do things as efficient as both eyes can.
Guess i'm left-eye-dominant right-hander. hahas

although with a arthritic left elbow and a swollen left eye-lid, i'm still able to send a email yesterday to Singapore Examinations Assessment Board(SEAM) for my applications to this year's o-levels(finally!).

i just read the relevant information regrading where to submit late entries of application for this year's o-level examination. i am aware i have to pay a late entry fee of $50 exclusive from the paper's fees.

i would like to apply for two papers,
Additional Mathematics (code: 4018) and Literature in English (code: 2015).

However i do not know which information i need to supply in this email. Could you please notify me as soon as possible which information do i need to fill in this email?
thank you.

There is another question i would like to ask, which is regarding about the application for Joint Admission Exercise option provided for o-level private candidates. Since i'm only applying for 2 papers, will i be still eligible for this JAE option even if i fail any of my papers?

Sorry if i sounded impatient but the dates are closing in and i only found out this information not long ago. Please, forgive me of my intrusion but i plead you could reply my email as soon as possible.

With regards,
Liauw Kee Tee.
O-level certified Singaporean male.
Reapplying for o-level retake.

hahas. sounds so not like me. cannot blame, my first ever formal letter. hahas.

Now. 7.13pm
going to post another one later. gonna watch tv hahas. its been months since i last watch tv hahas.

for healing hands. ._.

Monday, May 5, 2008

crab shacks.

woo. went out today again, but this time i brought my test book out to study. hahas. hmm, today i'm rather tired so you lucky people finally get to see my first shortest post. hahas.

Crab Shacks!
today went out with some friends today to makan again. Gosh this place called Crab Shacks is good. :) its a western-cuisine outdoor restaurant beside the "Bestway Building" in the city. oh i recommend that you go there at the evening cause the atmosphere is really wonderful for those looking for candle-light dinners. hahas.

ALL baked rice there are good! 6.80 but definitely worth the money! do try them if you're there. Fell in love with the 'Crab Au Gratin", simply delicious. x)) mushroom soup there is also up to taste-buds-standards. cost $2.50.

its all i tried but i'm definitely going there again once i can drive. hahahas. x)

hmmm. but still alot of things happened today. =( think would be better if i dun share. i'll just pray for a way. sighs. i'll have to be happy to make others happy. =) hmm. lets all pray to be strong! =)

Now. 11.58pm.
Gosh i'm tired. physically and mentally and in-thoughts.
Realised there so many things that out of my control, and there's nothing much i can do sometimes. hmmm. feeling a little tired and sick. hahas. who understand a heart of a quiet-worker? ._. oh well. have faith in God bahx little servant. hahas.

Good nights all. =))

When things are out of your hands,
it will be in the hands of God. =)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

3rd May.

yesterday was a long day. =P
woke up at 11 plus by college's sms. hahas. Was rather tired plus i woke up with a stinging elbow. =( another relapse. wanted to fetch college from bus stop one but end up i was a little slow plus a recieved a call from grace when i was just about to leave the house. She ask me to help her find the bible verse of Corinthians 13, which is my Blog's title text. hahas. after hanging up i walk towards the door to see college there already. hahas.

started work at 1. but we work until too tired to be energetic about our admin work. side-track several times. end up we just gave up, too tired to continue. but at least worked for 3 hours. then pizza came. =P the drumsticks from pizza hut is nice. xP

got bored and play dota! hahahas. but still got tired of it and switched to msn games. =/ end up still tired to do anything else.

Ticket out. hahas. =x
Dhineash called. asked if i wanted to go out study plus teach him later. college got excited and started smiling to me. hahas, sounds so wrong. =x we packed up and left the house at 5 to meet them in mac. college called her 'mummy' over to meet up and plan stuff.

end up mac full. switched to coffee bean and i enjoyed my mocha, x)) but fatting still. =P stayed for few good hours and the change venue to mac. stay there till 11.30pm before start making my way home.

Dota. =x
got home to see my brothers playing warcraft lan. wah. xD excited man. striaght away joined them and played till 2 plus then something happened.

Don't be so sad, because if we're sad, how can we cheer others up?. i only can say that there's only so much that we can do, we cannot change the world alone. But still we can always stay by their side and give he or her the up-most support of love that no one can ever imagine.
maybe thats just what he or she needed all the time.

Be brave, always persevere. there will be other people like this by your side so always remember that you're never alone. we all want to make you happy. so cheer up okays? =))

Opps, me and my riddles. hahas. hope you feel better though. i'll pray for it. =) so you also must pray about it ar! i believe He will make a way for all of us. have faith. :)

Now. 1:17pm
lol. end up i blog till the next afternoon(now) already. arm's getting a bit strained.. might be lack of sleep. =x must go see a doctor soon. fear might be link to arthritic.. oh gosh! gsm starts at 2! i'm so gonna be late... =P
chal people!

Flee from sorrows,
Because its love that really matters. =)

Friday, May 2, 2008

Aftermath. Jog.

woo, just jogged from Evergreen Sec', woodlands to SunPlaza, sembwang. x)

sembawang area
Saw Winson & Alvin in sunplaza mac, discussing about the BB. Also saw Qiu Song and his friends playing psp lan. =x their playing my game! tempted to join them.. hahas.

Found out later that i had abrasion on my right heel. =/ went to 7-11 to buy one box of handy plus, end up pasting all over. hahas. used a total of 9 pieces, cause had to keep changing. =/

Walk to Boardway to have supper with victor. Gosh we ordered alot la. laksa 2 bowls + kway chap. >.< looks like we already wasted half of our hard work. =P so we decided to extend our hard walk by walking home.

in the end walk all the way back home from sembawang, Broadway back to woodlands, our block. then took a bath and only then i remember i forgot to wash the identities.. opps. hahas.

send it to my washing machine and leave it to wash while i went to bath. came out after having a nice bath to collect my laundry. sad. mom used up all the place, had to use the living room instead. took out 2 bamboo poles to lay out while i iron half of the identities.

Now. 3:14am.
then now everything's finished except for folding them up. gosh, 20 of them, a pair of hands. =_= tml then do. hahas. i'm just exhausted now and wanna came a nap. tml still need meet college to bring her over to my house, scared she get lost. opps! hahahas. xD

okays. time to get some sleep.
Good Nights people!
i haven't asked mine. =x

Thursday, May 1, 2008


well, at least one thing i'm happy about is that i didn't forget my a-maths foundation. =)) oh yeah, talking about a-math because i'm going to take o-levels a-maths this year along with literature. =x

Current states.
i'm retaking my o-levels because the previous application i used (Direct Admission Exercise) failed. Joint Admission Exercise grants me high chances for me to get enrolled officially. however i need to be a o-level graduate to get this option of application, either a sec 4/5 graduate or a private candidate retaking o-levels. i'm classified under private candidate taking o-levels this year.

so yeah. hahas. got anymore questions can post in my tagboard cause i don't know what other question will be asked. lol.

yesterday; Studies.
Went to study at mac sunplaza with jun xian, joanne and cherlyn. Yee Nerng also also joined us to ask about some a-maths theories cause he's now currently talking a-level math this year but he don't have a-math foundations during his secondary school. =/

but being in jc is better than compared to poly, cause teacher in jc will really teach their students where as polytechnic lecturers sometime can choose the simpler route just let the students fen for themselves. Maybe in polytechnics we're not suppose to rely on the teachers in the first place at all.


Only realised when i study halfway through that that day was the first day showing ironman! o my gosh!!! i wan to watch it! xD hmmm. but i dunno who want to go watch with me though. hahas. i'm a marvel-fanatic. hahas. then some more i still haven't catch the movie forbidden kingdom. disappoint la. tsk. =/
"Anyone wants to watch with me? hahas."

Studied from 5 till near 10pm at mac. took Li Rong's a-math textbook that she gave to jun xian. cause he got a poly 'A-Math' textbook already. hahas. read the textbook all the way home. understood everything the chapter of "permutations". Cause i've learned A-math before for 2 years also. just hope it'll be the same for all chapters.. =P hahas.

addictions. =(

Got home to use computer to do some miscellaneous stuff for a while. then my younger brother intro me a new heroes map in war craft III. wah. thats wen i played till like mad. played near to 3am. =(
then end up missed today's seminar. hais. disppointed. must change must change!

Now. 8:17pm.

hmm, later going to go jogging at 9pm with victor. gosh. think i lost my stamina already. going to jog from my area(evergreen sec) till sembawang sunplaza. hahas. longest run i'm going to make i think. hahas. then also a little worried that my arm might become a burden. =/ need to be extra careful for myself. =/ hmm.

yeah. so post until here.
see how la after i come back maybe will post again for any worried readers. =x hahas.


"Life's a blunder."
"unless you see it the other way. =)"

arm relapse.

sighs. today my arm relapsed again. think its because i slept late yesterday then some more i press onto my arm when i was sleeping. woke up this morning at 7am in pain. =( back to square one. hais. i ought to better get my arm checked, i fear it might be permanent. Couldn't attend the seminar today at campsite, sorry David cell.. =(
Disappointed in myself also.
Must really kick the habit of my late nights.

No more games after 12midnight!
Go see Doctor ASAP!

"i long for that day,"
"that someone could walk with me."