Monday, August 3, 2009


( O_O) blog is under going maintainance.. will take 'some' time before i'll post anything i guess. :/

need to change for school now.. chal people. =)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

dead blog?

hey just to let you all know i won't be posting anymore as much as before.
hahas. i honestly admit its practically a dead blog, maybe some anniversaries once or twice a month but afterward not much updates ler. hahas.

Quite sad in a way, but i don't want people keep coming back to this blog and always get dissappointed if you're still visiting, which is like near immpossible anyways. haha.

But to cut things clean, alot f things has changed, maybe some things hasn't. I'm not that all I.T. savvy so i guess any of you desire my current situation, just grab a net and spear to hunt me down; oh don't forget the bait.. i think sitting down with me for a sakae-sushi buffet works best. xD hahaha. me and my lousy sense of humor. lols. chal peeps, love you all. =)
7.06.09, 5:04pm.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Heys, sorry for the super-duper long pause.. =P
honestly i don't know who has been visiting my site vigilantly,
i'm so sorry to disappoint your nice efforts. =x
Confirmation of my studies.
Anyways, i'm now confirmed studying at Millenia Institute..
though i have to admit i'm having problems with my sciences;
Well i;m glad at least my maths still haven't failed me. hehes.

Hmmmm, anyways: Truth to be Told!
It sure has been very long since i've last thought about having feelings for someone.. i guess the time has come. =)

i think finally i'm starting to open up that stoney heart of mine after sooo long. hahas. There's this someone i knew from my class.. she's lively and fun-loving. But i think i mentioned before that i have a fear for dating girls younger than me, and she's younger than me by 2 years. But she really brings out the youth in me(she calls me old btw. T-T), lol.

Sighs, but things like this i've never really been claim about it.. i mean after all, i've always tried to put my best in everything i do but things just never worked out. i think i've mentioned before also about that hollowness in my heart right? it just feels so physically there, like an abyss. i really wish someone who really cares for me can fill it up one day..
But somehow i feel she's that person who can fill that gap in my heart for me.. its like a magical feeling really, she gives me that hope to be able to love again. =) hahas.

But the thing is, i don't really know what she feels about me. =/
sighs. how i wish things can be simpler. haha. =x
I guess every guy will face the problem like this huh, lol. Its just ganbette for me huh. But if by any chance one day if she would to see this page, i really don't know what to say. hahas. i mean she's good in her studies and i'm already suffering in my sciences.. i would have to stabilise my Chem H2 & Phy H2 before i think i'm good enough for her.. =/ tough life yeah? hahas.

now. 10.57pm

gosh, i spend so much time blogging again. =/
oh well, just somethings i want to highlight before i go:

-I can't idolise someone that's why God is First.
She and everyone else is second. And i am third.

-i will be leaving for another long pause without updates again, cause school's really a time-consumer. o_o i haven't even adapted to the constant homework. =/ In any case, just take note if you're going to visit this site please do it once every 2 months. xP

-Lastly, now that i think about it, hopefully you people can keep this to yourself? At least don't start rumoring about this in school, because i feel that its bad to talk about things behind my back. I'm sure i've never wronged anyone in my life before and been very nice to each of you right? haha. At least please return me this favor of keeping this to yourself? Thanks! =)

Okays! time now is 11.08pm.. i got lots of homework to do. o_o
Until next time, chal Friends. =)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


hey peeps! lol. So sorry for my constant 'mia's from Internet connection, i guess life in Mi really occupies my time more than anything else now. hahas. To be real honest, i got 2 news, one good, one bad. i guess i should start off with the bad one..

But before that, here's my combi' for my course:
Stream: Science, class s101.
(3 H2 subjects, 1 H1)
Chemistry H2,
Physics H2,
Mathematics H2,
Arts H1
*i'm aiming for Medicine degree in NUS! jyjy!

Bad news:
argh! i have no chemistry foundation! sighs, i'm totally going to die if i do not start revising O'level's syllabus! Plus what's even worse is that i must get an A Grade for this subject to get into Medicine degree in NUS. i am really in dire need for revision! My Physics too need just as much attention for revision for my chem. My dreams of becoming a Forensic is becoming darker and darker.. =/

But, i won't give up. The results from the coming exams in march will determine my fate in my education. I will take action into revision of my foundations in science for my road into Forensics, but surely this will be a lonely and tough avenue, i really pray i can walk through this bravely.
But at least i think i can cope my Math H2 and Arts H1. =P

Good news:
Okays, enough sweats, time for the better side of the coin. You know what's the best thing that happened in my life? A second chance into education! Though i believe many of you guys will not understand, because you guys never experienced what i've had been through. Just to be able to be going to school is a blessing to me everyday. Now i really appreciate school and can relate to people who really wish to get into a school for education. The sense of maturity is truly there along with my past, i believe i will be more encouraged than ever to take my mentality for learning into my priorities.

Giving thanks:
To be honest, i really want to be grateful that God has put me away from schooling background for 2 years. I was very naive when i was in poly, thus i never cherished education. Now, my perception has indeed changed and i wish to strive for my Forensic goals. I also want to thank God for preparing me in those 2 years in preparing me for the matured mindset to achieve my Goal in MI. Also not forgetting that God had provided me with such a school which is totally covering my needs, i'm very grateful for His wondrous plans. Nothing else can be more perfect than this, none that i've could ever imagine. =)

Ps: i'll leave edits for next time, so sorry for the short edits. =P
its already 10:20pm, i should be dead asleep. hahaha. good night people!
PM my chatbox if you have PURE Chem/Phy textbooks!!! I'm in desperation!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

current statues

hey! so sorry for being so away for very long!
hahas. Just to let you nosey people know(opps),
i'm schooling for a week now in Millenia Institute (MI), 3-year-jc school.

friends :)
Was quite a surprise that Yee Tien & his friends were schooling there too. i consider it quite a miracle, cause i thought i was going to have problems mixing in school due to i'm older.

Got to knew a girl in my orientation group who's also kinda in the same situation as me.. at least there's someone who can understand half the pain i'm going through. So it kinda lessens the discomfort.

Also got to know a great guy, literally. Man, though he some bad points yes, but he's really one trust-worthy fellow to me, a real kind-hearted guy in the inside. He has my total respect! hahaha.

educational_route: s101(science).
hmmms. in this expect i have already conquered my nocturnal-lifestyle! wahahaha. And yes i won't let my guard down, going to keep this good habit up!

Also i suddenly had an aspiration to reach for my Secondary school's hopes of becoming a Forensic Pathologist. Maybe because kena psyched by the School's orientation programme or something, hahas. But i remember my secretary shared to me her dreams, i was inspired by her. So i guess this is my chance to reach out for my goal in life!

I'm going to set the impossible: To Get
my Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery!

"though it seemed miraculous,"
"but suddenly i've forgotten, and moved on.