Sunday, May 23, 2010

MI TRANSCENDENCE. :D + thoughts.

ok. here to post because someone just told me to
cause she won't sleep until i post something for her to read about yesterday.
lol. here goes. :I

*lets start with the good stuff first bah. :D

21st may, MI TRANSCENDENCE. time now: 1.07am
YES. that day was a big day for
Flaming Rambutans as they played their piece.
Us performing "Don't stop Believing" by Journey on Centre Stage,
seats filled with friends and families who came down to our school
to watch MI
Transcendence2010 in Millenna institute in the evening.

Claudia was our main singer, Terry as the melody pianist,
Randon as main guitarist and lastly me as the bass.

behind the curtains.

To realise the excitement that we're going to perform on stage, in front of a full house centre stage filled with people just made us all the more nervous. all of us were chewing on sweets just to claim ourselves for our act next as we hid behind the curtains watching as Sara who was performing before us came to a close end of her piece on piano.

Claudia, Randon & i were all so anxious about our turn; we were all ready with our guitar stripped on our shoulders with the sound cable dangling, waiting to be plugged in for our play. terry was on the other side of the stage hidding behind the curtains too, waiting for Sara to exit so we could all come in and quick set up our guitars and begin our play.

Not long after, we had the sounds of the audience's applause, which marks the end of Sara's piece, alerting us its our turn now and also reminding us of how huge the crowd is that we were going to perform to next. all of us readied ourselves and went in from the sides, personally i didn't dared to look at the audience and just hurried to set up our instruments.

I was taking the bass guitar piece, in which i was pretty worried i'll mess it up again during the play because i know i did during rehearsals and that i couldn't perfect it yet. My amplifier was right at the centre back so i was positioned right at the centre of the stage to perform, which means i had my own spotlight right next to Claudia's. I don't know just how many people were watching me at the point of time. lol. so i kept my head low and didn't dared to take a peep at the audience.

Music began, i could hear Randon's pluck counts coming in, which means 2 more cycles who be Claudia and my entrance to play, i looked left and right for the band's composure and steadied myself for the last time, to hit the right time for my entrance. First note cycle played through, unknowingly i glanced up to see the audience for the first time in this dark hall.

It was one of the most beautiful sight i could never expect to see.
Seats all filled on each succeeding rows of the pitch black hall, each one holding up colourful glowing sticks in their hand, all waving back to us as we played our intro. i've never got the chance to perform and see for myself hundreds of "illuminated", excited audience cheering back at us. It was as if we were watching and playing for fireflies in the cooling night hall, only that the voices from the audience kept pulling me back to reality that we're still performing. :p

As Claudia entered with her voice into the play, we could all hear in the background cheers coming from the audience going mad and people behind the curtain supporting us. And as we all played on, the sense of nervousness began to diminish as we start to remember why we love to play music, that joy that we almost forgot when we were all so clouded by our anxiety.

This was thrill to perform, and i'm sure we would never forget how it feels to do our play in front of so many audience, all listening to the music we played for them. :D

end of transcendence 2010 thoughts.

Hmmm. that's roughly all i could remember. and on a note its quite sad to see everyone had their friends and loved ones who came down and became part of the audience amond the fireflies.. and at the end had people to talk to after the end of the transcendence.
hahas, how i wish i had people to go to after the end of everything..
Claudia even got a big Sun Flower when we ended our play.
that's so awesome lah. :D

Oh wells. maybe i might have better response next year, or maybe i might have someone special supporting me next year. lol, i wouldn't know, lets see whether i manage to get through auditions again next year first. :)
sighs, still hoped you could be there. too bad you had curfew. :I
yesterday: 1.07am
hmmm. well. here's the not so nice stuff i guess. hahas. i know you'll be reading this so this part of the post here can be a little message-like, but i'll try not to spoil it too much. hahas. :)
(still editing, after i get my haircut now. BRB! ;p imcomplete.)