Sunday, June 15, 2008

Church Camp.

oh-oh! i nearly forgot to post. hahas
sorry joleen chew. =x

today is the start day of my very first church camp that i'll be attending... will be away from this morning till nest wednesday morning!

Sure will miss alot of people. and that includes you, you, you at the back, you looking at my blog, and you digging your nose there(ewww), and off course you. hahas i know i'm lame. i just can't walk properly hahahas.

actually i'm a little rush here and there right now hahas. cause its like 6.30 now and i'm suppose to pack, bathe and leave at that time to meet yee nern for breakfast. =P opps. hahas. oh wells, sorry brother.

yesterday, shopping at Great World.
to be honest i had alot of fun yesterday. hahas i know its nothing much but, its better than shopping alone all the time. thanks guys, you made my day. =) oh anyways i get a little moody if i can't figure out things sometimes, plus that time was reaching my stop real soon s i was rushing; makes matter worse. =P i'm sorry about that.

The day before:
Yesterday, 2nd trip to Sentosa.

Went there with joleen, jo's friend amos, wei hai, yee nern and yn's friend jonathan. like the last time we went to the siloso beach to have fun. sad half way through i got abrasion and can't continue to swim. sobs.

wah, this time i really got sun-tanned. woot. my shoulders are in pain whenever it gets scrapped.. anyways, joleen chew! i'm glad you finally at least Learned your lesson.. hahahas. just remember to always love God for sending those 2 angels to save you. =))

Subway eat fresh.
by the time we left there only a few of us cause some left earlier. so jo, yn, wh and me went to subway to eat fresh. hahas. wh ate 1 foot. didn't knew he had such appetite hahahs. yn ate 6 inch and so did i. but dunno why i got hungry still and ate another 6inch to make a foot.

Share some with jo and gave her 1 of my 4 choice of cookies. glad she finally ate something from from her fearful incident. =) ordered wheat bread, turkey breast & bacon, tomato cucumber lettuce and sweet onion sauce. all i can remember for nyj recipe.. opps! hahas.
well it taste healthy and delicious. =))

yum! x) i so love white chocolate cookie from subway.. i think that's the only place i only want to eat chocolates. hahahas.

Now, 6:52am.
OH GTG! 6:52am and i still haven't pack finish! oh oh zao zao! i'll leave edits fro next time! gtg!

"Believe in yourself,"
"Because i believe in you."

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