Saturday, August 9, 2008

Gliders Event, "Condor Soars."

Heya! took me a lazing 9 days to update, opps. haha. hmmm.. quite a number of things i wanna talk about, always get so moody when i wanna sprout out all the stuff i can remember.. Maybe its the smell of paints these few weeks that's causing my headaches? oh wells, lets begin.

"For today's answered prayer! hahas! its really a miracle. Today woke up quite late, initially i wanted to meet up joleen and trina for breakfast de, but i was really tired to even come for the whole NDP parade. =( (i'm sorry mei, couldn't come to see you and the others.)

Took a taxi to sembawang instead cause i woke up really late already and had lots of things too much things i need to do at gliders and i was running late from my own timing...."

end post on 09/08/08 2:32am.

Argh, sorry for the sudden pause, cause this was a post that was suppose to go up a week ago, hahas. i only now got time to update and continue this post. I'll try to remember what i can and start the next post asap, or else i think my blog is just going to continue to rot. hahahas. okok, back to story.

hmmm, what i can remember was that i spend my entire day at gliderz that 8th & 9th of August. Friday(8th) spent the whole day at gliderz with Elvis's and Marcus's company. lol had fun and did alot of painting. lol! actually i had difficulty choosing the colour for Our condor wall painting, so i go do something real funny lol. I go sms nydia and joleen at the same time, then see who replies me first shall decide the colour i'm going to paint on the wings of condor. 'dia was solid black, whereas jo' is chocolate brown.

To my surprise nydia replied me the first. hahaha. oh wells, jo didn't replied me the whole day, i guessed she must had a really tiring day going for NDP in the morning, collect dress in the noon, then wedding night for jy and ruben. =/ wah! i don't have invatation card! lol, nvm la hahas. i'll still gave my blessing for the both of them no matter what happens. =)

Anyways, Condor is black because of nydia's fast reply. hahas. so that friday i painted on the wings of condor and only thing left undone was the head, sky, hill, group title, and lastly writing the chosen verse.

Then as for that Saturday i had no parade, so i made full use of that day to finish up everything painting job i could for our group's mascot, The Condor. hahaha. jun xian and mr martin came over to help me alot. =) I'm really thankful of that, on that date jun xian managed to finish the cover-up of background. this means if you never noticed that our wall's background wall colour is not the original apple green then that means jun xian has already done a too good job that you didn't noticed it at all. LOL! But really, i meant this as a complement. :) then after that jun xian left to watch NDP at home and so did mr martin.

my NDP?
This also means i missed the celebration! =( i spend my entire day at 589a Gliderz, to painting and finish up before the next day, which is our 2nd and last sunday that we can paint. You know, its kinda sad that alot of people didn't knew i did that on such a special day.. sighs. Not that i want to boast it out loud that i give up everything for weeks for condor, just that the feeling is there lo. It gets kinda lonely that you spend hours alone painting. That's why i'm really thankful for all those people who made a point to come over to gliders and company me. To you it maybe a simple hang-out, but to me its special. Thats why i get so joyful when people comes to help and all, made my life there more bearable. =) Oh, not forgetting that all those people at 589a was really kind to help me oepn all the rooms that i wanted, even the music room to de-stress myself with the drums.. =x hehes.

completed task: 8-9pm, 9th Aug.
Finished the whole painting job for the bird! xD yeah-yeah! hahahas. i have to say its really my first time using colour to paint, painting from small scale to such a big one, and lastly also first time painting a wall. lol. But i couldn't done the painting without the help of everyone in condor. =)) hehes. Hmmm. after that long night i went off to meet wendy for prata at ah mei, then send her back home first(cause it was already near 12pm)then i walked home. i slept thewhole night peacefully causei can really take a break from painting! hahaha.

Hmmm, some thoughts that i add.
well, i gotta admit, i've never had this much fun for along time. =P To me, whether condor wins or not is no longer important anymore, because its the work i'm happy about, not the prize that made me volunteer so willingly for 2 weeks just to paint a wall. x) Sorry condors, i not aiming for the prize. xP hahahas. But if condor ever win, go ahead and enjoy yourselves! =) hehes.

This post shall finally end here!
LOL. sorry for straining your eyes, =P
i'll try to cut short posts from now on. chal!

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