Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Hey-ee. Just got back from youth camp yesterday, before that fulfil the agreement of a feast after youth camp! Had a great fellowship meal with Cherlyn, Joleen, herng, tien, nern, Marcus, Elvis and Joel. hahas. Suddenly i realise that we're all from different backgrounds, but i guess we have one thing in common;
we're all family in Christ. :)

Having lunch with them was great! haven't had so much fun over a meal in a long time. =)
But its a sad thing not everyone could join us. committee members, people who left halfway through camp..

Well, its not well organised but
i'm still looking forward to the feast right after YC'09. hahas.

Camp games.

Games were great. Had a big scale competition between 4 groups based on the board game "Risk". just that the ending is the "Final showdown" between the Four Kingdoms, "Israelites", "Egyptians", "Babylonians" & "Romans". Got roles like soldiers, knight & house, cannons to be in the battle, it's really like a war out there. Truly this year's games Committee made a lot of effort creating this feel. it was real and fun.
i'm sure everyone in Youth camp loved it. =))

camping days.
Though i was a camper, my mature age was not overlooked. =/ became the Bunk
IC instead. lols. Oh wells, someone had to take care of the younger ones. hahas. Guess i learned too much from too many camp-exposure. =P

Well, we had lots of meaningful workshops and messages, and on the last day of devotion i found out i realised who i was. I am a child of God just like everyone else. There's no need to sin anymore. Though its simple, this truth answered my life. its like a renewal, to be reborn again. Sometimes just believing isn't enough, its the faith that you have for Him that pulls you through no matter whatever happens. =)
The love that
i've always looked for in my life is this; One that will never fade. =)

I guess i always go coo-
koo in youth camps. hahas. i remembered last year i brought in the cheer from one advertisement about the same 3 person doing a dance after the soccer match hit a score. lols. Then this year's is Madagascar's "I like to move it!" lol. i'm anticipating next year's to be "It's Elvis". hahahas! ONLY people who been to youth camp get what i mean. hahahas.

Fill in the blanks!

"He Stole the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, "
"and Empty all the _ _ _ _ _. "
"He gobble up a _ _ _ _ _ _ and another _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, "
"Oh Yes!"

hahahas. lets keep this up to next year to sing shall we fans of Elvis? hahas. wanna know the song? Join next year's youth camp! lol. i guess the only thing that can loosen me up its ony youth camps. i can only be my wacky self then without people calling me crazy. hahaha.

hmmm. Anyways, being a soldier was fun, got to employ some tactics into the game. xD But.. i kinda spoiled other people's fun.. =/ sorry guys if i caused any unhappiness between everyone. But i'm glad most of the game play changed very fast which in the end changed the whole structure of the games. =) my brain don't adapt so fast anyways. =P

12:01am. 3 Dec.
woo. it's so late already.
i'm tired. hmmm. tomorrow i'm going for another trip to Malaysia, but with my family and relatives. a week duration and 2 places to go to, Genting and KL. shopping spree! hahaha.
OH. and i promised someone
i'll get her PRESSIE. xP hahas.
Kays, more updates in the next post later or the coming afternoon.
Chal people.

"Last year's theme was LOST, "
"But this year i found out who am i." =)

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