Sunday, June 7, 2009

dead blog?

hey just to let you all know i won't be posting anymore as much as before.
hahas. i honestly admit its practically a dead blog, maybe some anniversaries once or twice a month but afterward not much updates ler. hahas.

Quite sad in a way, but i don't want people keep coming back to this blog and always get dissappointed if you're still visiting, which is like near immpossible anyways. haha.

But to cut things clean, alot f things has changed, maybe some things hasn't. I'm not that all I.T. savvy so i guess any of you desire my current situation, just grab a net and spear to hunt me down; oh don't forget the bait.. i think sitting down with me for a sakae-sushi buffet works best. xD hahaha. me and my lousy sense of humor. lols. chal peeps, love you all. =)
7.06.09, 5:04pm.

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