Thursday, September 11, 2008


are today!
6hours and 30min to go! and i only got to know this yesterday before going to cell group. sighs. just pray i'll do my best no matter what happens. Been 2 years since i last took O's.
This gotta bring back all those memories. =P

Time to sleep now!

Now, 1:33am.
Day of A-math paper 2, mock exams.
Ps: i forgot to post up the song, hahas.
Here it is. enjoy! chal.

All i have.
What have I in this life.
But the love in Your eyes.
This empty world will one day fade.
Only Your truth will remain.
Jesus, all I have is You
You're the hope I'm holding to.
I might weep but still my faith
Rests in You.
As the heavens hold the skies
It's Your hand that holds my life.
And Your love will lead me on
When all else is gone.

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