Friday, October 3, 2008


Hey All! sorry i left my blog dead for so long, i kinda lend it to someone and only gotten it back just recently after 2 weeks.. 4 days ago. =x O'okays, i was lazy to update. =/ hahahas. Dunno if my blogging language have changed or not, oh wells i don't think you guys know what i am talking about to begin with. Nevermind, lets get to topics! Had so much i want to blog over the weeks, don't think i'll remember everything and blog about everything also. hahaha.

topics to cover.
my finally establised wishlist, coping with shortage of $$$, health worsening, my upcoming new enrolment back into polytechnic, pictures of memories, current passion, and a incident when i remembered i nearly drowned...
Gosh there's just too many i wanted to talk about when i view a slideshow of the pictures that was taken i class when i was in poly 2 years ago. sighs. Life of a dropout, now i understand what's its like. i will start cherishing my education in polytechnic once i get in. =) onwards!

topic no. 1:
"renewed life".
The days are coming, and i will soon have to embrace these days to come.. the life that i've been trying to get back for 2 years. its already the month of October, and my Exams starts on the 22th Oct. its getting ever closer each day, and so far i don't think my current standards will get me a better grade than what i gotten 2 years ago from my O's. i'm gonna start mugging already, and it shall begin with this very day. After i wake up later(3rd Oct), i shall start my studying till my end of my exams in november 7th, period. strictly no more fun and games, this is where i will concentrate into.

Soon, the days of enrolment will come. Deep inside i'm honestly feeling very uneasy. think i mentioned this before, as i enrol back into SP, i'll find all the year 3 students are people who were my classmates. To be truthful, i don't know how to face them. By then it would be seeing them for the first time for 2years, and that goes for the lecturers. these are all my worries and many more yet unspoken. =/ prehaps i'll share it another day. i've said enough for today.

failing Health.

i think this will be my last topic for now, hahas just bear with me. Recently i don't know what's happening. its like my cough never gets better. i've been in cough for weeks every since that last time i've gotten flu, last satuday. I just cough when the air isn't clean, throat iches, warm weather, everything. i seriously can feel my health failing, like its slowly falling apart. i just pray it doesn't affect my studies, i wish not to get sudden mood swings, it makes me miss out an important effort that i want to put in to change my entire life. Call me "thinking to much", but its just what i feel. i've seen how fatal "don't want to study" attitude can be, and i really hope i won't become so. i shall work hard for this! =)

Now, 6.21am.
hahas. my current health only allows me to update this much. lol, i sound so like a dying person today. hahas. oh wells, sunday is coming soon and i can't wait to get my old guitar fixed. i so miss the sounds of acoustic. Pray i'll get my studying mindset later. =)

lol. i just had a sudden thought of hearing 'Ganbette' from someone. well, doesn't matter, it'll never get to my gan mei anyways. hahahas. oh what am i saying. =/ must be lack of sleep.
Good nights People!

Sublimation for life,
till the day i turn pure.

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