Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I'm finally back in Pepper Lunch! hahas. But i'm only going to work from mon-wed every week, cause thursday got school and friday help my mom to work. Sat's & Sun's are left for Parade and Sabbath.

Mon & Tue: Full-time, 9am-11pm.
Wed: half-day, 9am-4pm. (having Cell group at 7pm)

When to call me.
Mon & Tue you can always contact me after 10.30pm, because by then i should be doing my closing and there isn't any customer left either. hahas. as for Wed, breaking off from work at 4pm, so yeah. hahas. But today(wed, 25/6) plan wrong schedule, so only after 10.30pm then can call. =x

Now, 12:06pm.
Hmmm, there's still more to update but.. i'm kinda late for work again. =/ Gotta go... every hour gone is 5 bucks taken out from my wallet. hahahas. Chal People. =)

Monday, June 23, 2008

Return from Church camp.

Finally tried to update ever since i got back from Church camp last wednesday.
Hahas, i'm such a lazy bum. =P

Once i set foot on Singapore.
Anyways, not much of a break since i got back..
Went straight to visit Joleen with yee nern right after the coach dropped us off at sembawang. Still feel kinda bad that we left she alone to go for church camp. She got sick on the day of our first camp. =(

Shouldn't have let her tried so much delicious food at kenny's... opps! hahahas.

Well, she had high fever for like as long as our camp, so thats why i was really eager to visit her.
And people FYI, we're not dating or whatsoever. I'm being honest here so i wish that you my friend will not gossip (it's a sin.) nor say hurtful things about us,
because we're awfully good
'xiong di' & 'Jie mei'. xP

To people who still have doubts:
Believe what you will, but i pray God may let you have peace in your sleep. lol.
Hahas, just kidding. But none the less, i believe you people are trust-worthy people that i love. =)

Anyways, back to story.
its really sad when you can't do much while being overseas. so yee nern and i tried to called her when we can to accompany her, considering that she spends 6 days in her house alone must be really terrible for anyone. it was around mid-noon that we visited her with lunch.

wow, i have to say i was rather surprised that she was much more active now than on the phone those couple of days when i called in church camp. God did answer my prayers after all. =)

Time flies.
its kinda a little pointless when we visited her..

We watched TV in her house the whole noon. LOL.
Oh well, at least i'm glad that she finally got her appetite back and was eatting.
She used to eat as little as a small bowl a day when she was sick. =/
Hope the congee was delicious enough for her although not cooked by me. hahas.

Hang around till 5-6pm and had to leave for home to unpack and bath for later on events.
Sigh, not much of a break for me after a 4 day camp. Dad fetched me around 8 and we travelled to Bedok residence to meet up with the rest of my family. Then had a sumptuous late-Father's day dinner at changi area(yum!) and got back to bedok again.

Later events, day 2.
Had to get ready to leave Bedok residence to be present at the cemetery at 3am cause its kinda like a form of respect for attending plus everything needs to be done before daylight, traditionally. i have my complains but in situations like this how can i refuse my parents to not attend it? =/

Went to the place and Dad and my relatives went in while we waited out on the path.
then after went to another location and found out its still locked until 11am.
so went back to toa payoh to have early breakfast at 5am.

Sure enough i started to have symptoms of exhaustions.

i hadn't had sleep ever since after Church camp.
start to had headaches and lost appetite to eat.

2nd Day of exhaustion.
In the end ate a pill and took taxi with my brothers back to Bedok residence to stay and rest at home all day. One of the slack'ious day i ever had. lol. i'll spare the details, hahas.

Now, 6.16am.
hmmm, long post to update about me huh. hahas.
anyways i'm going back to work tml at Pepper Lunch, hope i didn't forget the skills, hahas. tml working at around 4pm till closing, 11pm. wed is.. oh gosh i forgot. hahas. oh wells, i'll check tml.

Hoping the people there are nice as my older colleges.
hahas. gotta sleep. Good nights people! chal.

"Always rejoice,"
"but don't forget to give thanks."

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Church Camp.

oh-oh! i nearly forgot to post. hahas
sorry joleen chew. =x

today is the start day of my very first church camp that i'll be attending... will be away from this morning till nest wednesday morning!

Sure will miss alot of people. and that includes you, you, you at the back, you looking at my blog, and you digging your nose there(ewww), and off course you. hahas i know i'm lame. i just can't walk properly hahahas.

actually i'm a little rush here and there right now hahas. cause its like 6.30 now and i'm suppose to pack, bathe and leave at that time to meet yee nern for breakfast. =P opps. hahas. oh wells, sorry brother.

yesterday, shopping at Great World.
to be honest i had alot of fun yesterday. hahas i know its nothing much but, its better than shopping alone all the time. thanks guys, you made my day. =) oh anyways i get a little moody if i can't figure out things sometimes, plus that time was reaching my stop real soon s i was rushing; makes matter worse. =P i'm sorry about that.

The day before:
Yesterday, 2nd trip to Sentosa.

Went there with joleen, jo's friend amos, wei hai, yee nern and yn's friend jonathan. like the last time we went to the siloso beach to have fun. sad half way through i got abrasion and can't continue to swim. sobs.

wah, this time i really got sun-tanned. woot. my shoulders are in pain whenever it gets scrapped.. anyways, joleen chew! i'm glad you finally at least Learned your lesson.. hahahas. just remember to always love God for sending those 2 angels to save you. =))

Subway eat fresh.
by the time we left there only a few of us cause some left earlier. so jo, yn, wh and me went to subway to eat fresh. hahas. wh ate 1 foot. didn't knew he had such appetite hahahs. yn ate 6 inch and so did i. but dunno why i got hungry still and ate another 6inch to make a foot.

Share some with jo and gave her 1 of my 4 choice of cookies. glad she finally ate something from from her fearful incident. =) ordered wheat bread, turkey breast & bacon, tomato cucumber lettuce and sweet onion sauce. all i can remember for nyj recipe.. opps! hahas.
well it taste healthy and delicious. =))

yum! x) i so love white chocolate cookie from subway.. i think that's the only place i only want to eat chocolates. hahahas.

Now, 6:52am.
OH GTG! 6:52am and i still haven't pack finish! oh oh zao zao! i'll leave edits fro next time! gtg!

"Believe in yourself,"
"Because i believe in you."

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


wow. i've really got nothing to say. hahas. i've almost been not updating for a week. well all i've got to say that my week i was being really horrible to practically everyone i know. i'm sorry guys, things haven't been the same.

the only thing i can rejoice about for this week is i've finally cured my nocturnal behaviour. =)

but after everything i've thought about and said so far, there's just somethings that i could just never share. i guess this is the reason why no one knows much about me hahas. But just knowing that i still love God as much as before really comforts me. =)

Ummm. to update you guys tonight is going to be another night where i'll be alone at home. well first things first, the place that i'm helping my mom to work for is 2 places. one is a 3-floor apartment and the other is a 1 leveled Big 'mansion' apartment at the back.

Currently my family just rented this 2nd apartment and they're living in that house so they could take care of my grandma whom just had a operation on her kneecap.
which leaves me all alone at home. =/

alone at home.
Seriously i'm not sure what to do at home. i just know that i have to start doing my own laundry now because half of my wardrobe shifted to the apartment already. since no one else is at home but me, i have to cook and wash my own dishes. lucky this is not really the first time. however i never really did a good complete job for laundry. hahahas.

hmmm. for now i'm starting to attend 'Penciltutor' Tuition centre for my o-level this year. however i'm only studying one subject there so only mobilised on thurdays 8am-11am.

i know, 3 hours a week is damn short for studying so i'm going do my self-studies whenever i can. as for my literature.. i need the novel "enemy of the people".. its 2 years ago kinda thing so i'm guessing i'll really have to hunt for it...

random comments.
other than that i guess thats much all said.. things are same.. nothing much happened over the week while i disappeared from the internet. hahas. all i know now is that i forgot to give my friends their pay yesterday. hahas. hope we meet up soon and i can really give them their pay.

oh-oh! thanks evan for helping me looking out for wallets. i didn't know such lovely angels exist. xD hehes. please do not be offended if i did not called you that before hahahs. xD

going out?
Going to Plaza Sing later to go take a look, can't think of anyone to go with me. =/ not that i don't have good friends but.. i don't think anyone wants to go for my own accord ether. hahas.

sorry! but do leave a tag if you're really such guy/gal.

my level of observation has dropped. =P hahas.
but hope i'm gonna like the wallet though. =x

Now. 5:48pm
oh just got a call to have dinner out. maybe i do have friends who are that nice... =)
gotta go, edits i'll leave for later when i get back.

Jealousy. something that i've always ignored.
but this time, i think i've really tasted a little.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Explaination for not inviting.

Okays, here comes the explaination. Look guys and ladies, please don't get offended if i didn't invite you guys over. to be honest it was indeed on purpose and i apologise about it.

First thing i have to make clear that this party is not for me.
It's not my party! please don't misunderstand!
and i told Dhineash specifically try not to invite people except for sec 2. So do not put any blame on him because i told him to do so.

Secondly, reason i didn't want to call you people is because i really, really wanted to make this BBQ like the sec 2 followship-time. If a lot of seniors of us went the BBQ i assure you the seniors will indeed takeover this BBQ and make it their time instead of the sec 2's time of fun.
I wanted those boys to have their very own BBQ for once, so i'm really sorry for making this BBQ a little selfish. =(

Thirdly, i don't want to make this BBQ like and BB event. I didn't want you guys to be there because i know surely you people would stay there till very late, because the bbq bookd time started from 6pm-11pm. I initially didn't want the boys to go home late because the next day we had parade.

Another reason i didn't invite you guys because it would be pointless, i will only stay for 90mins and i'm gone. Thats why i made this "party" a sec 2 party only. I know in the end some people came as unplanned(not that i blame you guys, don't misunderstand.), but its really hard for me to turn down people on purpose.

People who misunderstood that this party
which is actually not for me, i'm sorry.

People who i loved to invite
but i just had to say no, i'm sorry.

People who i did not tell you
about this party, i'm sorry.

People who i purposely rejected,
i'm sorry.

People who missed the fun,
I am so terribly sorry. =(

I promise if there's going to be another BBQ which
is coordinated by me, i'm sure i will promise to
remember you wonderful people and
invite you peeps over okay? xD

Please forgive this little
18 year-old boy. =X

30 may. =x

Friday, 30th may.
My day. weights on my shoulder are loosen because i manage to get my Deferment under control.. got to wait for the period 2th-20th June to do my enlistment stuff to safely get the Deferment done.

First thing in the morning.
On that morning went to work with my 2 college. this time the 3-floor apartment is occupied, so we do not need to go to the house to do any house keeping.
Went to the other apartment which is just further down a bit from the first one.

That day we did scrubbing of the pavement floors, washing & hanging up half the curtains and setting up a computer which was originally from my house.
Sounds a little little to you but we worked for 2 good hours before we all fell into a mattress a took a rest.

Afterwards the 'movers' that my mom mentioned would come, came. it was just uncle Tan and my Dad. i thought there was going to be workers around too to help carry out the furniture, but end up i was that particular worker. =x
thanks Dad. hahahas. xP

Got to be honest, we just demolished the wooden cardboards a piles of wood, and carried out to the lorry and piled them up the back. brought ouy about the amount of wood that would make out 2 large shelves and a few spoiled utility stuff.

afterwards mom came back from hospital after seeing grandma. thank God the operation was a success and she's getting well already. =) mom got us to the tanah merah mrt and like we always do, we train all the way to marina and then back to sembawang.

Went to Ntuc to do a little grocery for a small BBQ at Dhineash's house. total stuff costed nearing a hundred, 80 buck plus. =x gosh what we brought? lamb & chicken patties, Bread, 3 packets of mush-mellows, hotdogs, Fishballs, Otah, Satay, 4 litres of drinks, BBQ stuff, and off course the 1kg of wings.

Dhineash's Place.
Soon we got to the venue and finally started t get ready, but the weather started to pour. however it was a miracle, we all prayed and soon the rain was gone. =) hehes. started to get the charcoal heated. but i left the younger ones to start them with the seniors looking over them.
thx clement & winson. =)

Gosh i tell you never mix unknown honey into patties. hahas. pure patties taste alot better. =P then we forgot to get the BBQ sauce. sad. but nvm, this time i remembered to get 3 packets of mush mellows, hehes. x) wah, then college became a real mother for everyone there, unpacking and preparing the food. hahahas. =)) thanks so much!

Unexpected turn of event!
Wah, this was the shock of my time. both of my colleges came out of the dark with a Birthday cake for me. i was so surprised and i totally didn't knew. hahahas thanks so much!
As i've said, this party is not for me! please please although there is a cake involved but its really not the purpose of the party!
but seriously, thanks college for the cream on my face. hahahas =)
oh and Dhineash, the chili sauce on your face felt sooo good. xD hahahas just kidding. =) thanks alot bro.

i left at 8pm, went over to meet my primary school friends for a late night movie. i would love to stay and continue to have fun but sorry i just can't get thrown in the pool that night. hahas.

Now. 4th june, 3:41am.
hmm, as expected i wasn't able to wake up for parade cause i went home really late. gotten quite a handful of complains of good will. its alright, i understand their views.
i will take the blame because i believe God wants me to learn. i do trust in him. don't worry about me okays? i'm fine.

Gosh! finally finished 4 post and i'm already so tired. happy reading! lol

Chal, people i love. =)

i won't forget this day.
the day you gave me a surprise. =)