Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I'm finally back in Pepper Lunch! hahas. But i'm only going to work from mon-wed every week, cause thursday got school and friday help my mom to work. Sat's & Sun's are left for Parade and Sabbath.

Mon & Tue: Full-time, 9am-11pm.
Wed: half-day, 9am-4pm. (having Cell group at 7pm)

When to call me.
Mon & Tue you can always contact me after 10.30pm, because by then i should be doing my closing and there isn't any customer left either. hahas. as for Wed, breaking off from work at 4pm, so yeah. hahas. But today(wed, 25/6) plan wrong schedule, so only after 10.30pm then can call. =x

Now, 12:06pm.
Hmmm, there's still more to update but.. i'm kinda late for work again. =/ Gotta go... every hour gone is 5 bucks taken out from my wallet. hahahas. Chal People. =)

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