Tuesday, June 10, 2008


wow. i've really got nothing to say. hahas. i've almost been not updating for a week. well all i've got to say that my week i was being really horrible to practically everyone i know. i'm sorry guys, things haven't been the same.

the only thing i can rejoice about for this week is i've finally cured my nocturnal behaviour. =)

but after everything i've thought about and said so far, there's just somethings that i could just never share. i guess this is the reason why no one knows much about me hahas. But just knowing that i still love God as much as before really comforts me. =)

Ummm. to update you guys tonight is going to be another night where i'll be alone at home. well first things first, the place that i'm helping my mom to work for is 2 places. one is a 3-floor apartment and the other is a 1 leveled Big 'mansion' apartment at the back.

Currently my family just rented this 2nd apartment and they're living in that house so they could take care of my grandma whom just had a operation on her kneecap.
which leaves me all alone at home. =/

alone at home.
Seriously i'm not sure what to do at home. i just know that i have to start doing my own laundry now because half of my wardrobe shifted to the apartment already. since no one else is at home but me, i have to cook and wash my own dishes. lucky this is not really the first time. however i never really did a good complete job for laundry. hahahas.

hmmm. for now i'm starting to attend 'Penciltutor' Tuition centre for my o-level this year. however i'm only studying one subject there so only mobilised on thurdays 8am-11am.

i know, 3 hours a week is damn short for studying so i'm going do my self-studies whenever i can. as for my literature.. i need the novel "enemy of the people".. its 2 years ago kinda thing so i'm guessing i'll really have to hunt for it...

random comments.
other than that i guess thats much all said.. things are same.. nothing much happened over the week while i disappeared from the internet. hahas. all i know now is that i forgot to give my friends their pay yesterday. hahas. hope we meet up soon and i can really give them their pay.

oh-oh! thanks evan for helping me looking out for wallets. i didn't know such lovely angels exist. xD hehes. please do not be offended if i did not called you that before hahahs. xD

going out?
Going to Plaza Sing later to go take a look, can't think of anyone to go with me. =/ not that i don't have good friends but.. i don't think anyone wants to go for my own accord ether. hahas.

sorry! but do leave a tag if you're really such guy/gal.

my level of observation has dropped. =P hahas.
but hope i'm gonna like the wallet though. =x

Now. 5:48pm
oh just got a call to have dinner out. maybe i do have friends who are that nice... =)
gotta go, edits i'll leave for later when i get back.

Jealousy. something that i've always ignored.
but this time, i think i've really tasted a little.

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