Thursday, September 4, 2008

the month to step.

hey. yeah i know, took me long to update myself here, hahas. i already don't have the habit to go online anymore.. perhaps its just me having a little change in my lifestyle.

Well to begin with some things are not the same anymore, not quite used to it yet, will take some time to cope. hmmm. just got reminded of the promise i've made myself, hahas. its just so sudden. perhaps its a hard road i'm taking. =/ i dunno. Guess i'll just
keep on waiting.

hmmm. a little update to the start of September, this month is my mugging month to at least finish up my whole a-math 10-years series. not sure i i'll able to do all the chapters but i hope i'll be able to do my best. this also means from this day onward i will only restrict myself to only a day a week, 2 hours of psp. other than that its only my mp3 player. its going to be a horrible month for me, cause i've never tried anything like this before, pray tat i have the discipline for this. =)

Next month will be my O's.
hmmm. To be real honest, i'm rather feeling uneasy. don't know if i ever mention about it before but i'll talk it out here now.

hmmm. i'm quite worried
if i'll able to mix in class every again.

In my life i've been through a series of smooth transition in my schooling years. up until now. A sudden pause of 2 years, because my application failed the first time and now i'm taking my O's to have a confirmed seat in the JAE application to get into Poly/JC. for 2 years i've not experienced the life of being in a classroom. Though it sounds simple, but its hard for me to open up once more. i keep failed my classmates before. i have that fear that it might happen again. I don't know if i can work in a group as well as 2 years ago. sighs, who could understand my pain? hahas.

Another thing is my age,
i'm not sure if i want to keep telling my classmates everything i've been through. Oh wells, if they asked i guess i'll just keep answering them one by one. But surely i really need a short and sweet story to summarise everything. =/ hahas, how does "i'm 2 years older because i withdrew in my first year and failed the application to re-enter. 2nd year is the year where i took my application to get into this class." LOL.

hmmm. a step at a time i guess.
hahas. why is it so cold every night?

oh well. Post shall end here. hahaha sorry yi jun, i still couldn't find any pictures to post yet. see how la, i'm not a guy who take a picture of himself everyday. lol. Anyways wishing you fun in your trip. =) hehes.
Nights people! =)

i'll do whatever it takes,
to turn it around.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, you saw all these wonderful things about love. Love isn't rude...right?...But it is rude to use the word retard. It's so hurtful to people with special needs. Maybe love comes to people who understand that demeaning people who can't fight back and who are so vulnerable just doesn't work.