Thursday, July 31, 2008

Last of last.

Sorry for delayed updates. would you believe if i told you i had no time to use the computer nowadays? hahas. i don't know how long i've never used msn already. plus i already got like 230 unread emails in my hotmail inbox already. lol.

well, i guess i'm going to have time soon because i've finally finished my job days! hahas! but sad to say, i haven't received my pay for the past 2 months yet. =/ need to wait for Ong-San's call.

My arrival and leave.
Period of working days: 23/6- 29/7
Well, its quite interesting to hear when i first came they said the boss just came over yesterday. then when i was leaving the boss wold come the next day. lol.

Another thing is at the first day, i worked from 4.30pm - 2.30am cause i need to do over-night house keeping, (gosh, isetan pepperlunch's window is huge). then my last day i had to pack ice in containers and place them into the fridge to preserve the beef and stuff because the mall will shut down electricity for that night.
i thought i would have difficulty completing everything, it was already closing time and i was suppose to do floor-closing. by the time i got out to do my closing i only had 40mins, left. Miraculously by God's grace, i finished everything before 11pm, which was so unexpected. =)) hehes. i'm really greatful for God giving strength to pull through. =)

well, i'm glad to see all those farmiliar faces again in isetan pepperlunch. =) friendly faces like Jean, Ah Lim, Samantha jie, Ong-San, Wendy-San, and Gosh i had lots of fun working with good old Zaw. x)) hahas. met new faces too, new captains like JoJo and Ah rong, and staff members like Siti, Sandy, Dar Dar, Pyi Pyi, Moe, Uncle Gary, xiao Ji, and little wendy who actually lives quite near my area. hahahas.

During my depart it was not say a pleasant one or anything, but i can't blame anyone for thinking the way they think, because i'm indeed always late. =/ next time i'm going to set an hour for my bus ride le, its always so few and rare. =/
Anyways, although i'm late, i'm glad to say i can compensate my lateness with my honest and hardwork. xP heex.

(here are the few people i would love to thank)
Dar Dar and Sandy for the really cheap 5.90 discount for my regular salmon pepper rice set meal(yup!). Ah Lim for the really patient guidance, i don't know what to do without you in kitchen. lol. Zaw, gosh i'm so glad to see you again in kitchen man.. it's really a blessing to work with you together in kitchen. =)) Captains like JoJo and Ah rong, thank you for teaching me the right orders and lots of other stuff. Ong-san and Jean for the up-most care. they're like mothers to me, hahahas. And lastly of course auntie Wendy for always supporting me all the time when i couldn't manage, i will never forget you. i'm so terribly sorry i didn't wish you happy birthday that day. =/ pyi pyi and gary, you two were a joy to teach and work with. =) moe, i'm sorry i didn't tell you i was working last day for that day.. hahas, i'll come visit if i have time. =) And of all people how can i forget dear xiao wendy. hahas, its nice to have someone to chat every time when traveling back home. =)

Now: 309am.
Gosh, i'll never have time to do anything now, i'm so tiried. i've got gliderz event proposal to draw and settle the very last batch of form 32a once-and-for-all to finish it up, and school tml 9am at chiong pang. Gosh i'm really tired, i really am.
i'll post again if i find time. Night people.

"i would carry the whole world for you."
"But would you ease mine?"

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

sobber nights.

wah, its getting kinda harder and harder to sleep at nights. hmm. happened to find a nice old song that kinda reflects my mood now, hahas. i'll leave it posted at the end.

well, i've been really thinking about things lately. i gotta be honest that most of them are very random thoughts but, it gets really mixed most of the time. sighs, Perhaps i haven't met other people out there..

But even so, i just don't know how to open up my heart to really find someone else to love. its like been so long ever since i last had a real and confirmed feelings for someone. I guess i'm just looking into another avenue for comfort. Oh wells, pity the lonely people will ya?

i know time-and-time again i come blabbing about things like this, hahas. Sorry yeah? i'm still human. lol. Have to stop all my rumblings soon and really trust God on this. =P hahahas. But anyways, most of the times i'll think about things like this easily.

So just don't be so sensitive when i start talking about it, cause blogging here helps me 'diary' the thoughts down and reminds me of certain past things. hahas.

=/ i'm having itchy throat for days now. i guess i might have gotten a cold or something when i ran that day.. oh wells. working for long hours now seems like torture for me cause i'm sick. But was kinda glad xiao wendy came over so unexpectedly, hahas. at least today's closing i had someone to 'lame' to during my restless journey back. =)) thanks!

Now. 22 july, 3:59am.
hmm, i guess this is enough of a updates, gosh i've been tagged again.. LOL. it gets kinda endless once the ball starts rolling.. hahas. oh well, time to sleep! 4 more hours to get ready again to work again.. Well, Rejoice in the Lord because i know he'll bring me through. =)
take cares all! nights.

Promo Only - Enrique Iglesias-Hero
Found at bee mp3 search engine

Thursday, July 17, 2008

i was tagged... =/ lol.

1. What is the most important thing in your life?
:The Trinity.
2. Will you consider a sexual relationship before marriage?
3. Do you smoke?
: sorry but i really detest smoking...
4. What is the latest gadget that you own?
:umm. my psp slim? hehes.
5. Who did you mostly text yesterday?
: Joleen. asked me about work and lots of stuff.

6. How old are you & are you a virgin?

:18 and getting old. off course i am, =/
7. What is the last thing that you brought with your own money?
: erm.. a bottle of plain water, a bottle of lemon-barley drink and a can of wax. =P
8. Where do you wish to get married?
:Somewhere she always wanted it to take place =)
9. How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love?
: eh. tough question. lets just say i lost it for now.
10. How many kids do you want?

: i leave it to God to decide, hahas!

11. Are you in love?

: Being blessed by God's love is what i could ever hoped for. =))
12. Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
: PepperLunch at isaten ShawHouse. A bowl of miso soup served from my old pal Zaw.
"hey, i had fun working that monday. hahas, hope both of us will work on monday again. =) "
13. Name the latest book that you bought?
: Comic actually, "One Piece".
my elder brother and me are comic collectors.
14. What is your full name?
: Liauw Kee Tee.
Thinking of getting a Christian name.. =/

15. Do you believe in GOD?
: Yes i do! been a happy,
contented Christian even since.

16. Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time
: My Saviour. =)
17. Christina or Britney?
: Can i not comment? hahas.
18. Do you do your laundry?
: when i really have to. Kinda like a sub once mom isn't available.
19. The most exciting place you want to go
: It's a sad thing to not have one. =(
20. Hugs or kisses?
: Let's start by holding hands shall we?
21. Single or attached?
: Single. If you love somebody, first you must learn how to let go.

22. Point out FIVE things about the person who tagged you.
-did i forget to mention that
she's beautiful both in & out? =P

23. EIGHT things I say too often
-Excuse me.
-a 'Hi' before announcing the order.
-Arigato Gonzaimasse.
-Welcome! xD

24. EIGHT things I'm passionate about

-Boy's Brigade 13th Company ministry
-Glory Joy Christian Church.
-my peeps. xD
-3D Animation, the complex ones.
-Monster Hunter! xD
-Long Sleeves button Tees.
-Music is one thing i'll never leave without.

25. EIGHT songs I could listen to over and over again
-eh, most genres belongs to those christian songs.
-"i can sing of your love forever",
-"Here i am to worship",
-"Shout to the lord",
-John Mayer, "Waiting on the world".
-Howie Day, "Collide".
-Life house's 'You and me".
-Lin Jin Jie's songs,
-Still got alot un-named, =P

26. EIGHT things I learn last year
-only my 3rd year in PepperLunch
then i learn dish-up. LOL.
-PSP and Pandora batteres.. Degraders..
-How to tame my hair.. =_=
-Life of solitude. How to let go.
-Book of "Daniel" & life of "Job".
-Become independent! Work!!
-i think i lost my gentle, weak nature.
But is it suppose to be good? =(
-if i chose to fall behind, i will be responsible for it.

27. EIGHT people to tag
- i'll leave it to you guys if you all wanna continue this tradition. hahaha.

Now, 1:48am.
tml i'll be having school in the morning, 8am.
mh in the afternoon with marcus and his buddies!
Woot, can't wait to party in mh. xD
T'cares peeps!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Missed Church.

A post a week is getting serious.
Should really try to post more. lols.
Now, where should i begin...

what I'd missed?
Missed Church today. Didn't slept well yesterday and alarm clock didn't ring. Forgot to set it to "am". hahas. oh wells, now i owe joleen an apology for not coming to collect the cookies and ken another favor for asking him to help me pay for the Founders Dinner first. =/
Who knows you can miss so much by just missing one sabbath day? hahas.

What i did.
i totally laz'ed in the house for the whole day! lols. no la, cause i'm having such a packed program never really had a good rest at home for 6 days straight, hahas. missing out my quiet time too. Book of 'Daniel' & 'Job', where to begin? hahaha. must really read about them cause i'm picking a name, hehes. i'll bring my bible to work tml, lols.

Work schedule, mon-tue.
wah, lucky my captain called to check on me, told him i can't afford to work on wednesday because i have to get my ic done. And yes i lost my IC a month ago, hahaha. along with my wallet full of privilege cards and near $50 cash too. took me 3 years to lose a wallet though, hahas.
Anyways, Mon: 11am-9pm, Tue: 11am-11pm.
Fingers and apron are gonna get stained.
they are nightmare to smell. lol.

Now, 2:06am. 9 more hours to get ready for work.
Need to report 10:50am, 10min earlier to do morning greeting. then after work going over to Joleen's house to collect the cookies.. hmmm. dunno if i can pass the cookies then..
oh wells, readers take cares! i'm going to bed.
Good nights people!

Now you want to be free. So i'm letting you fly.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


ello! Finally i'm able to come here and post again. i guess blogging long post doesn;t really works for me. first off, because it makes me procrastinate to post some other time till i don't update till weeks later. so i decided to keep my post short but still organised so its not really another massive chunk of essay to read at. hahas.
i'll try update the important stuff first.
Work, PepperLunch: tml(08july) 9.30am-10pm,
1 hour break.

so yeah, like usual i won't be contactable until my break period. But still feel free to leave a sms if you people wanna contact me. hahas. i'll try to reply them if i can.

umm, as for ministry in Boy's Brigade 13th Company, trying to collaborate the last set of Form 32a once and for all, and up coming logistic plans and stuff are also trying to fit in my schedule.. i'm starting to have doubts that i'll be able to complete these task on hand. i must try to discipline myself now.

just had a random thought over the week, i was thinking of getting a rael christian name for myself. i know, i know. "kitty" sounds best to everyone right? Well at least spare a thought for poor me being called that way all the time.

its really horrible. anyways, thought of Job, pronounced as "jo-ob", not "j-ob". Or Daniel, meaning judged-by-God, not the hello-kitty counter-part. =/

Now, 1:36am, 08july.
Still thinking and stuff, will post about it some other time. its really late now, gotta sleep.
Good nights people!
Things are coming back. But am i ready?