Thursday, July 31, 2008

Last of last.

Sorry for delayed updates. would you believe if i told you i had no time to use the computer nowadays? hahas. i don't know how long i've never used msn already. plus i already got like 230 unread emails in my hotmail inbox already. lol.

well, i guess i'm going to have time soon because i've finally finished my job days! hahas! but sad to say, i haven't received my pay for the past 2 months yet. =/ need to wait for Ong-San's call.

My arrival and leave.
Period of working days: 23/6- 29/7
Well, its quite interesting to hear when i first came they said the boss just came over yesterday. then when i was leaving the boss wold come the next day. lol.

Another thing is at the first day, i worked from 4.30pm - 2.30am cause i need to do over-night house keeping, (gosh, isetan pepperlunch's window is huge). then my last day i had to pack ice in containers and place them into the fridge to preserve the beef and stuff because the mall will shut down electricity for that night.
i thought i would have difficulty completing everything, it was already closing time and i was suppose to do floor-closing. by the time i got out to do my closing i only had 40mins, left. Miraculously by God's grace, i finished everything before 11pm, which was so unexpected. =)) hehes. i'm really greatful for God giving strength to pull through. =)

well, i'm glad to see all those farmiliar faces again in isetan pepperlunch. =) friendly faces like Jean, Ah Lim, Samantha jie, Ong-San, Wendy-San, and Gosh i had lots of fun working with good old Zaw. x)) hahas. met new faces too, new captains like JoJo and Ah rong, and staff members like Siti, Sandy, Dar Dar, Pyi Pyi, Moe, Uncle Gary, xiao Ji, and little wendy who actually lives quite near my area. hahahas.

During my depart it was not say a pleasant one or anything, but i can't blame anyone for thinking the way they think, because i'm indeed always late. =/ next time i'm going to set an hour for my bus ride le, its always so few and rare. =/
Anyways, although i'm late, i'm glad to say i can compensate my lateness with my honest and hardwork. xP heex.

(here are the few people i would love to thank)
Dar Dar and Sandy for the really cheap 5.90 discount for my regular salmon pepper rice set meal(yup!). Ah Lim for the really patient guidance, i don't know what to do without you in kitchen. lol. Zaw, gosh i'm so glad to see you again in kitchen man.. it's really a blessing to work with you together in kitchen. =)) Captains like JoJo and Ah rong, thank you for teaching me the right orders and lots of other stuff. Ong-san and Jean for the up-most care. they're like mothers to me, hahahas. And lastly of course auntie Wendy for always supporting me all the time when i couldn't manage, i will never forget you. i'm so terribly sorry i didn't wish you happy birthday that day. =/ pyi pyi and gary, you two were a joy to teach and work with. =) moe, i'm sorry i didn't tell you i was working last day for that day.. hahas, i'll come visit if i have time. =) And of all people how can i forget dear xiao wendy. hahas, its nice to have someone to chat every time when traveling back home. =)

Now: 309am.
Gosh, i'll never have time to do anything now, i'm so tiried. i've got gliderz event proposal to draw and settle the very last batch of form 32a once-and-for-all to finish it up, and school tml 9am at chiong pang. Gosh i'm really tired, i really am.
i'll post again if i find time. Night people.

"i would carry the whole world for you."
"But would you ease mine?"

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