Saturday, March 29, 2008

Busy after mess.

Month of march is so packed.
Have to over look fancy drill every
Tues, Wed, and Sat..

On other days i need to settle the form32a
that i accidentally lost. =/

Taken up the "cell grp identity" project,

designing wind-breakers for whole of David cell.

Adventure Quest event is coming up and list of logistic items are piling in.

Reason being that i started to post is because i want to remind myself.
My elder brother just gave warnings yesterday
that i am seriously worrying him.

He finds it pathetic for a 15 pointer to

retake o-levels next year just to get into the
JAE option instead of DAE.

He even mentions that my younger
brother might be more capable than me.

I can see that also.

He really studies whereas
me myself i'm tied down in BB.

Strangely he said look up to me,

respect me...
However i think i fall to deep this time.

But after that talk,
i respect his every words.
Seriously i never thought of him as nagging,
but as a time to share.

I can feel that he really wants me to change.

He had seen people fail and down-out,
but never expected it would be me.

come to think of it,
everything was really very smooth.

worried for psle, in the end i got more than
expected for mother tongue.
i'm a F standard that time yet i score a B.

'lvl i worried also, and only did last minute study. Got 15 points.

pplication for poly through JAE was really hectic,
after changes & amendments,
i still got into a course that i loved.

till now i'm so jalat,
lagging behind my friends by 2 years.
Late for privates-registraion for o'lvls.
Now need pay extra $50.

hais. Things are not the same.
And i don't want to slack anymore...

Nvm, i believe that God give this trial for me because he wants me to humbly learn my mistake and how to control myself.

After all by then my classmates will be like 2 years younger... i don't feel like dating le.

well.. there's always a perhaps when i carelessly fall in love.. =X

nights people. =P

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