Friday, March 28, 2008


Okay! finally after 16 days its time for me to update.
its sure lots of things to write now cause now
there's alot of things happening..
think i'll sort my post by topic bahx.

1. where am i now?
2. my self-reflection.
3. personal "life".

i think its time for me to quit slacking.
i've already slacked enough.
i think i need to remove my fun slot
and really sit down and do things.

i guess the only leisure now i have is
-blogging here
-reading mails and

-going church on Sundays
-cell group meeting, 7:30pm, on Wednesdays.

these four things is already enough leisure about.
as for my own de-stress period...
i think i have never experienced stress before
so i'll be okay. =)

Got appointment "later" at
8:45am, Singapore Poly,
school of info-com' and Technology.
now is like 2:54am le.
think i best go piggy ler.

hais. i just wish there is someone
that can love me the way i do.
Wahx! ignore what i've said please..
its just wishful thinking. =P

Good night everyone! =)
"if i fall, its God who picks me up."

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