Saturday, April 26, 2008

Donuts! =))

woot! found another entertaining place for me to eat.. 'Munchy Donuts' at the sembawang CC. xD just only got to know the place 3 days ago only and i'm loving that place already. hahas.

i tell you i eat donuts with style okays.. hahas. not like people eat so fast, a few bite then gone. lol. i treat my donuts like steak okays.. hahas.

Anyways the place is like so nice lo.. the lighting, the room, the colour.. gives this nice cozy feeling to enjoy donuts there.. Everythings nice except the seats. =/ should get those soft soft sofa.. confirm customers will come flying in. hahas. it'll be nice to spend my day there enjoying tea. =)

hmmm. rather tired today. Ate 'Munchy' today the 2nd time with joleen, yee tien and clement. hahas, used to miss those days we had fun together when i'm still in secondary school. lols. Clara Wong! you should join us! you the only one missing! hahas. xP

just finished playing with my brothers "monster hunter 2nd"... already 3am. must kick this bad habit le.. everytime so late sleep.. then some more after playing come here use laptop and blog.. lol. i'm going to get black eyes soon. 12 pieces of donuts still in my stomach digesting.. lol. the last time i had donut feast i had bad bowels. =/ pray that this time i don't.. better drink more water and eat lots of fruits. =P

hmm, nothing much to add on, just that beside me got one whole stack of files.. gosh. more billings to do. =(( oh and its not that i'm slow, its just that someone keep throwing me papers and questions. hahahas. just kidding. its my "honor" to been thrown those papers by someone... hahahahas. anyways start work in the afternoon, cause mom going to bring my grandma over to hospital.. pray that she's going to be okay. =/

okok enough laughing, i need to get some sleep.
i'm becoming more and more aware that i keep talking too freely or too much rubbishy things in my blog la. hahas. i don't know. i'm crazy. =))
Good Nights people!

"i guess becoming crazy is better;"
"than thinking so much after all. "

"At least i do not have to lament."

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