Wednesday, April 16, 2008

road to recovery. =)

hmmm. just read through what i read yesterday.. Not to say i was drunk yesterday! i will never wanna drink alcohol okay.. anyways, after reading through i find that..there are so many loop holes. =/

some things written there are not actually exact.. some things are left missing, i just come up to te right point. i guess there's just too any things to say. =/

oh wells, i'm gonna kiss this complaining habit goodbye! cause i feel that it might be better if i didn't think too much. hmmm. must be back to my old blur-blur self! hahas. at least i'll be callous to the bad stuff but hyper to the exciting parts. x)

a BIG SORRY to readers, i didn't mean to worry you all. i'll be more mindful about things i post here. =P (i'm thinking you all might call me crazy saying all these.. but hey, i call it hospitality. xP)

people i'm gonna recover from this sorry me! will avoid getting emo by occupying anything that makes me happy. =P its going to be a tough road.. but hey, no one said its easy. =P must cheer up! be *happy apple* !! lolx.

2.39am now, 11 hours later need to be in sembwang sec to help the boys prepare their anklet. scold me nothing better to do? well its really not a lie anyways. hahas. cause i haven't applied for the private schooling. =x woo, if the army got read blogs i'll be doomed. lol. kena fine because of a evidence used from the internet, hahas. xD

thursday nothing to do.. neither do i wanna stay at home. =/ think might be my first time jio people(jio = ask someone out)... lol. see first la. i also dunno what to do. oh yeah, this year got so many movies i wanna watch.. ironman.. forbidden kingdom... pandamonium.. the bucket list.. and many more that i can't just remember. =x anyone interested? hehes.

hmmm. this upcoming enrolment i think won't be falling into the parade. i can't march with my elbow like this. =/ oh wells. at least i still have it there, hahas. nights people. =)

CORINTHIANS 13:4 "Love is patient, love is kind."
:so i humbly wait, yet
for everyone,
i give a heart of gold. =)

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