Sunday, April 27, 2008

breeze. =)

Church event:
__just got back from the Captain Frisby + Picnic event organised by the church.. got home late because i chose not to go home home early like the others. the event was conducted near a sea side., and since its been a long time i last visit the somewhere to relax, i thought of going there to enjoy the breeze. =)

sad thing is that i didn't bring anything out to draw. LOL. hahas.

i went over to those man-made rock walls leveled above the sea, so i can be closer to the sea and not get wet. hehes. the breeze was wonderful. sat there for a few enjoyable hours. =P

__then memories start coming back.. those happy times... those sad moments. But i know its all the past, and it won't affect the now me. a lot of things has changed. Never have i thought i'll end up where i am. hahas. but i will never say i've wasted my life, because i've learned to see beautiful things that sometimes we all overlooked. =)

i'm contented with what i am now, but i know i can do better. i believe He has a plan for me, so i'll keep walking forward, never looking back. what matters is what i have now, so i will learn to cherish.

__As i was sitting there i thought of the dream i met yesterday. in the dream i was happily in love. hahas. sound very weird i know, but its the truth. we hold hands, spend time together like going to places together, enjoying time together. i saw her face.. i know who she was. hahas.

But i don't know if its a sign for me, like those people in the bible who tell future by dreams. hahas. maybe its just a little prank my mind made because it wants to go for a holiday. hahahas. but, i know i was happy in the dream. i even woke up smiling. hahas. silly me.

Perhaps i' thinking too much already. but one thing is for sure, this incident has loosen the knot in my heart. the Knot was there in the first place not because i have mixed feelings for anyone, but i tied it there myself because i didn't want to risk venturing into somewhere that i don't wanna be. but now, its a little loosen down. hahas. sorry people, i just like to talk in riddles. hahas. practicing my literature. hahahas.

__After all that thinking i saw a kite, way up in the sky. it was so fly, as if it could touch a plane. a small fiddle kite could soar so high up in the sky... really shows me how much perseverance it has. =)
i must work hard! hahas.

Got up(ps: i was lying down relaxing) to see the sunset.. oh the crimson skies.. was so beautiful. but sad la, didn't manage to get any good shots, everything ended so fast. =/ already posted in my friendster under "Album." go see if you want. =P

journey home.
__Got up and finally left the place for home. the trip was lonely, but lucky i got my psp. hahas. halfway journey sms my college whether she has cell this coming friday, end up i 'tio the question again. =x i don't know i must answer how many times. hahas. but i just can't say, sorry. =(

present time: 2:05pm, 30/4.
actually this post i only today then post de, just that i started blogging about it that day itself, but was too tired to post. hahas. thats why shows 27/4. lol.
will update tonight again. have to go prepare to go out to meet jun xian to study le. hope i didn't forget my a-math foundation. hahas.
take cares all!

"Though it may seem,"
"i'm telling a lot of stories."

"But i never lied to you. =) "

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