Sunday, May 4, 2008

3rd May.

yesterday was a long day. =P
woke up at 11 plus by college's sms. hahas. Was rather tired plus i woke up with a stinging elbow. =( another relapse. wanted to fetch college from bus stop one but end up i was a little slow plus a recieved a call from grace when i was just about to leave the house. She ask me to help her find the bible verse of Corinthians 13, which is my Blog's title text. hahas. after hanging up i walk towards the door to see college there already. hahas.

started work at 1. but we work until too tired to be energetic about our admin work. side-track several times. end up we just gave up, too tired to continue. but at least worked for 3 hours. then pizza came. =P the drumsticks from pizza hut is nice. xP

got bored and play dota! hahahas. but still got tired of it and switched to msn games. =/ end up still tired to do anything else.

Ticket out. hahas. =x
Dhineash called. asked if i wanted to go out study plus teach him later. college got excited and started smiling to me. hahas, sounds so wrong. =x we packed up and left the house at 5 to meet them in mac. college called her 'mummy' over to meet up and plan stuff.

end up mac full. switched to coffee bean and i enjoyed my mocha, x)) but fatting still. =P stayed for few good hours and the change venue to mac. stay there till 11.30pm before start making my way home.

Dota. =x
got home to see my brothers playing warcraft lan. wah. xD excited man. striaght away joined them and played till 2 plus then something happened.

Don't be so sad, because if we're sad, how can we cheer others up?. i only can say that there's only so much that we can do, we cannot change the world alone. But still we can always stay by their side and give he or her the up-most support of love that no one can ever imagine.
maybe thats just what he or she needed all the time.

Be brave, always persevere. there will be other people like this by your side so always remember that you're never alone. we all want to make you happy. so cheer up okays? =))

Opps, me and my riddles. hahas. hope you feel better though. i'll pray for it. =) so you also must pray about it ar! i believe He will make a way for all of us. have faith. :)

Now. 1:17pm
lol. end up i blog till the next afternoon(now) already. arm's getting a bit strained.. might be lack of sleep. =x must go see a doctor soon. fear might be link to arthritic.. oh gosh! gsm starts at 2! i'm so gonna be late... =P
chal people!

Flee from sorrows,
Because its love that really matters. =)

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