Thursday, May 1, 2008


well, at least one thing i'm happy about is that i didn't forget my a-maths foundation. =)) oh yeah, talking about a-math because i'm going to take o-levels a-maths this year along with literature. =x

Current states.
i'm retaking my o-levels because the previous application i used (Direct Admission Exercise) failed. Joint Admission Exercise grants me high chances for me to get enrolled officially. however i need to be a o-level graduate to get this option of application, either a sec 4/5 graduate or a private candidate retaking o-levels. i'm classified under private candidate taking o-levels this year.

so yeah. hahas. got anymore questions can post in my tagboard cause i don't know what other question will be asked. lol.

yesterday; Studies.
Went to study at mac sunplaza with jun xian, joanne and cherlyn. Yee Nerng also also joined us to ask about some a-maths theories cause he's now currently talking a-level math this year but he don't have a-math foundations during his secondary school. =/

but being in jc is better than compared to poly, cause teacher in jc will really teach their students where as polytechnic lecturers sometime can choose the simpler route just let the students fen for themselves. Maybe in polytechnics we're not suppose to rely on the teachers in the first place at all.


Only realised when i study halfway through that that day was the first day showing ironman! o my gosh!!! i wan to watch it! xD hmmm. but i dunno who want to go watch with me though. hahas. i'm a marvel-fanatic. hahas. then some more i still haven't catch the movie forbidden kingdom. disappoint la. tsk. =/
"Anyone wants to watch with me? hahas."

Studied from 5 till near 10pm at mac. took Li Rong's a-math textbook that she gave to jun xian. cause he got a poly 'A-Math' textbook already. hahas. read the textbook all the way home. understood everything the chapter of "permutations". Cause i've learned A-math before for 2 years also. just hope it'll be the same for all chapters.. =P hahas.

addictions. =(

Got home to use computer to do some miscellaneous stuff for a while. then my younger brother intro me a new heroes map in war craft III. wah. thats wen i played till like mad. played near to 3am. =(
then end up missed today's seminar. hais. disppointed. must change must change!

Now. 8:17pm.

hmm, later going to go jogging at 9pm with victor. gosh. think i lost my stamina already. going to jog from my area(evergreen sec) till sembawang sunplaza. hahas. longest run i'm going to make i think. hahas. then also a little worried that my arm might become a burden. =/ need to be extra careful for myself. =/ hmm.

yeah. so post until here.
see how la after i come back maybe will post again for any worried readers. =x hahas.


"Life's a blunder."
"unless you see it the other way. =)"

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