Friday, May 23, 2008

Enlistment Act (Chapter.93).

one of my worst days ever.
the first law i nearly broke and get fine for.
This is the letter i received:


1. Under the Enlistment Act (Chapter 93), all male Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents are required to serve National Service (NS). Our records showed that you are liable for enlistment into full-time NS upon reaching 18 years old/ completion of your studies.

2. You are now required to file your pre-enlistment documentation in preparation for enlistment and to book a date for you medical screening through the NS Portal between 02/06/2008 and 20/06/2008 by your SingPass ID and SingPass
3. Please note that any NS liable person residing within or outside Singapore who fails to comply with this notice shall be guilty of an offence under the Enlistment Act(Chapter 93) and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $10, 000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years or to both such fine and imprisonment.

wah, at this point i really want to got crazy and mad for the first time in my 17 years of maturity. i so want to shout and start breaking things.. but i'm not that kind of person. =(
Called up the NS call centre for enquiries for a possible "deferment" just now.

clarified with the clerk and i got a little less tensed. i need to get into a private candidate school for o-lvls to be acceptable for any deferment. Then as for private schools, i have to be Below 18 to register into a private school.


Things are turning out to be more spectacular every step i take. =/ First a fine+imprisonment warning, then now another shocking 6 more days to settle everything.
hais, i've aways been so willing to lend other people my shoulders to cry and to whack on. but for myself? i don't know where to look for my own shelter. hahaha. oh sorry, i was laughing at myself. hahas.
NVM! From that day i told my reason to my ex-school's principle for withdrawing off Singapore Polytechnic is because i've been too living my life off that year. i want to start anew. i already knew i have to be independent for my future. i don't want to be a loser.

Decision for life.
Indeed i've always picked a road to run alone on. i've always picked the toughest road to run, always all so lonely. But nvm! i need to be strong. i'm not proving it to anyone by being brave here, i want to prove to myself that this is the road i've chosen to embark on, this is the reason i'm living so hard for.

terrible post.(removed)
i've writen alot of terrible stuff here actually. but removed it and shift it to a un-post post so you people won't get to see it. xP when will i show it? only to that person who really falls in love in me, who really tries so much as i. hahahas. i'm going to be okay, i'm going to be okay.

Now, 12:54am, 24 may.
blog for so long because of a letter. hahas. this have to be the best present NS could ever give me for a birthday present. LOL. i'm tired. gotta go. chal.

love i've given,
love i'm still waiting.

Denied from receiving,
because i've always tried to be forgiving.

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