Saturday, May 10, 2008

45 hours.

gosh! just got back from my 45 hours of consciousness. =O. i am so tired. will try keeo post short. hahas. went out of the house at near 6 to meet up college and pass her the papers that i helped her print. wah. i tell you its a lot. print 30 plus papers still need 2 sets more. =/

pass notes. (6.20pm)
met up with college and saw my study gang there. hahas. everytime appear at macdonalds no fail. lol. pass the papers and college left with her friend to dinner at a nice place at sembwang shipyard. wah... once i saw the pictures college took hor.. another nice dinner place found. hahahas. x)

meet. (8pm)
oh yeah back to my story, after college left, i stayed awhile then i left for Plaza Sing to meet my elder bro there for overnight lan. =x some more i still having swollen eye-lid. hang around there till like 9-10pm before we went to Meridien's 24hour lan shop.

wah. sad. i didn't want college to know de, but i had to be honest with her when she ask. i never want to lie to her. she got upset about it. then i practically had no mood to play lan. =( plus i'm already out with my brother and his friends le.. i'm like stuck in the middle. but i can say money isn't the bigger concern at that point of time. =(

keep sms'ing her instead of playing dota. hais. a lot of things happened. i'm so worried that college might have different perception of me now. hmmm. i don't know what's going into her mind that time. she can't hide from me when she's upset de. i always know, or at least i presume. =x but then. think after that very day her view of me has changed. =(

Question. =x (1am)
college had to sleep early so end up her sister want to sms me again. =P hahas. wah! asked me same question again. hahas. gave her the same answer i always give her. hahas. hmm, actually i already know my answer. but i'm not going to say! hahahas. too bad. xP

then play-play-play.. till 7am. gosh i have to admit, my swell got a little smaller. =x i also dunno why. hahas. God's grace. hahas. but still whatever i've done i'm still in the wrong. =/ hais. what to do. slap myself? hahas. i'll pray for forgiveness bahx... =(

server closed. we left the place and i nearly forgot my wallet. hahas. went to PS's mac, and woot. macdonalds just open at the right time. =) got in and i tried my first mc-griddles! gosh, i found my 2nd love. in 'mac' terms la. hahahas.

then wah. its the first time i've seen someone took so much pepper at one go. 33packets. my elder brud's friend's meal was entirely covered in pepper, like food dig out from Sahara desert pepp'or-sand. hahahas. xD he spent half of his time tearing and spraying pepper over his meal hahas.

meet college. (9.10am)
we left the place at about 8plus. Elder Brud' and his pal had to go back to dorm, so i went home with his pepper friend. hahas. he alighted at khatib, while i sembawang to meet college for work. [wah, i still haven't really rest at all. >< ] mom woke up a little later than expected, so i had to coordinate everything so nicely that college wouldn't complain. opps! hahas.

off to work.

End up i found out she was quite hardworking with the print notes she asked me to print for her yesterday. lol. went to her house then we bus down to woodlands and then to my house area's woodland's plaza. we brought fishes! hahas but its for client. =/ i never knew college was serious about those fears of furry animals. =x hahas. then all the pets she got so far didn't really last long. =/ must go for petting tutorials liao hor, hahahas.

ride to work. (11am)
mom finally came to fetch us and the fishes(20 guppies) over to the client's 3 storey apartment. oh yeah, i was really shocked that the uncle gave me such a small packaging for 20 guppies.. its like the size of plastic bag you see in the cold-storage for 10 fishballs. LOL. then the guppies are like mature and some even pregnant.

sad, i become good-Samaritan and hand-carried the bag of guppies all the way to work site, to prevent those after-shock from bumps when on the road. so good right? end up i couldn't sleep well. =( oh, we went there first cause i'm rather worried about the lifespan of the packaging. hahas.

client's house.
oh my gosh. when we reached the place we were both like in awe. the house is so BIG. its so damn spacious and big. i'll try visualise it for you people.

you opened a huge black wooden door with your house key and you see a flight of classic stairs up to the second/third level. you walk up then at the second level you walk through the hallway and you see huge, Huge room, expanding about 18m by 10m, 2 of the walls are windowed planes, outside a outdoor designed garden. garden at second level. wow. room so big already, then the garden hor, winner. hahas. wah. all i can say its a dream house. hahas.

got out to the garden to see the fish pond. was surprised there was still a huge sucker fish there. no really, its called a sucker fish. i don't use rude/vulgar words in my blog okays, hahas. other than that still have a few goldfishes there also.

showed college how to release the fishes properly. gently take them out from the bag first and place the pack of fishes into the water and leave it for awhile. you'll see the fishes start to look around and exploring the tank. after a minute you can slowly without bring rough, untie the rubber band then slowly pouring out the fish while keeping the package half-submerged. say so much ler i don't know if she got learn or not. hahas. oh wells.

college got the camera job. she was really excited to explore the house, hahas. half of the time she was telling me that she wants the house, i would too. but sadly the kitchen is small compared to the rest of the rooms. i want a house with big kitchen! hahas.

bad timing.
wah. then wen i visit second house... nature calls. lol. end up use client's house de toilet. lol. then wah! i saw one centipede swimming inside la! gosh! of all places to be poison by an insect! hahaha! end up i have to end it life by flushing it down. =/ use finish le then i clean it like no one was there. hahas xP

after when we're done visiting the 2nd house we went off to lunch at the nearby food court. we all ate the same thing, wanton noodles and chin chow, oh and a big bowl of dumplings aside. =x hahas. we chatted at the table while eating.

mom told me that this saturday night got dinner, elder brud treating. wah, then my mom casually ask college if she wanna join us for dinner. xD hahaha. she tio shock off course. hahas. but yeah la, already say le ma, casual question. =P

journey back. (3pm)
mom dropped us at tenah merah. wah, then college.. wah.. better don't reveal. hahas. train back all the way to cityhall and i took my second rebound of the day then to sembawang again. hahas. got off and accompanied college wait for her friend. end up college was occupied by the phone call. aiyo, college ar.. watch your phone bill. hahas.

summary so-far.
in the end didn't come. hahas. college went home and i went to study in mac. gosh. i don't know how long my battery will last. first train to PS, 8 hours of lan & ton all night till morning, train from dhouby ghaut back to sembawang then met college, work for 5 hours, train from tenah merah all the way back to sembawang again. then now study. ><

study. (4.20pm)
sat at mac and study for good 1 hour about functions, cause meeting jun xian later at 8 to study. saw wei beng and tried to call him, no avail. need to sms him to turn 180 degrees than he saw me. hahas. sat there and we chat for awhile to near 6, before we went up to food court and makan. cheaper ma, hahas. get to steal some good sips from his soup. hahas.

Dota. (6.30pm)
met jun xian they all in jelutong CC for lan. wah, it so packed la. need wait till like 7:20 then can get to play. then wah. our other study mate already reached. her friend couldn't make it so end up she's alone there studying. =/ told jun xian at most 2 games then we go meet her. play till 8.20pm. wah i have to say that compare to the 8 hours i had, the13th coy's dota skill is more skilled. hahas.

study again. (8.30pm)
met joanne at mac first cause jun xian halfway went home to get his jacket, cause we'll be studying like till mid-night. she showed me her text book cause i asked her how to do 'completing the squares' method. wah. read le and master it already. hahahas. then jun xian came and we swtiched to a bigger table. had fun studying there till near 11.30pm.

going off. (11.30pm)
study around 11.40 then two adults just impolitely ask, more like demand from us to give up the table. wah, his face was real rotten not being able to find any seats. =x we packed up and went home. it was super late already so decided to send joanne home. i announce first! i have no intentions what so ever. hahas. doing it because i feel its kinda like my responsibility to any female. ><

journey home. (11.55pm)
hahahas. sending her home was fun, can really be lame with her cause she was in my group a few times in BBGB events. hahahas. its been a long time since i'm so happy le. thanks sister. =) wah then we reach her door stepher ah ma open the door. lol. such a coincidence. hahs. we say our goodbyes and i rush back to the mrt station and manage to catch the last train, even still have a good 8 minutes left. then sad, hp dead. no music. T-T travel home so lonely nia. wish i was a girl and i met someone like me. LOL.

home-sweet-home! (12.50pm)
FINALLY, home-sweet-home. =)) can't remember what i did then, think i changed my clothes, use my laptop for awhile then went to sleep. oh! charge my hp to see joanne's message. hahas. she's a good girl. :) but, sad la, to know such a thing happened to her. i will pray for her. =)

Now. 12 may, 3:39am.
wah. this is a damn long post. i'll try to edit it to a shorter version or at least split it up to 2 post. hahas. just had french toast and took some funny photos with it. cannot blame what, what to do when i'm alone? hahas. okok think i'll go play my PSP le. maybe going to switch to play original games. lol.

Good Night people!

its nice to see someone you care smile,
why not you be the reason they do?
i pray to do what i can. =)

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