Monday, May 5, 2008

crab shacks.

woo. went out today again, but this time i brought my test book out to study. hahas. hmm, today i'm rather tired so you lucky people finally get to see my first shortest post. hahas.

Crab Shacks!
today went out with some friends today to makan again. Gosh this place called Crab Shacks is good. :) its a western-cuisine outdoor restaurant beside the "Bestway Building" in the city. oh i recommend that you go there at the evening cause the atmosphere is really wonderful for those looking for candle-light dinners. hahas.

ALL baked rice there are good! 6.80 but definitely worth the money! do try them if you're there. Fell in love with the 'Crab Au Gratin", simply delicious. x)) mushroom soup there is also up to taste-buds-standards. cost $2.50.

its all i tried but i'm definitely going there again once i can drive. hahahas. x)

hmmm. but still alot of things happened today. =( think would be better if i dun share. i'll just pray for a way. sighs. i'll have to be happy to make others happy. =) hmm. lets all pray to be strong! =)

Now. 11.58pm.
Gosh i'm tired. physically and mentally and in-thoughts.
Realised there so many things that out of my control, and there's nothing much i can do sometimes. hmmm. feeling a little tired and sick. hahas. who understand a heart of a quiet-worker? ._. oh well. have faith in God bahx little servant. hahas.

Good nights all. =))

When things are out of your hands,
it will be in the hands of God. =)

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