Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Updates(Chapter 93).

Yes! just called Penciltutor earlier and tml i got appointment for my enrollment into that private school. 8am-9am at Chong Pang, Yishun area there. don't even know if i'll be able to wake up or not either hahas. =x

So far things turn out to be i have to take the 3 basic subject lessons, English, E-math, Science to gain a proper deferment from NS. but problem is that i've registered only for 2 papers; A-math and literaure in english. =/

replacement for the 10k fine & imprisonment. LOL.
fees for 4 subjects would be $220.. Gosh. still Expensive!
hmmm. maybe i'll go there sign up to get paid for teaching also? Hahahas. but i was in awe to find out that that school is only run by 3 teachers. LOL.

Main Concern.
i'm rather worried though, i do not know wether the principle will even allow me to get enrolled in or not. Cause seriously, i'm a 15 pointer, i've already got good result for my 3 main subjects.
A1 for E-math, English B4, Combined-Science B3.

A-math got b4 but i know i can still improve at least by one grade.
Penciltutor don't provide for my literature paper, only for my A-math paper.
With all these said, why would Penciltutor allow me in for? i'm just using them for deferment and only getting myself a teacher for my a-math. i know i'm saying it quite rudely, but its the truth. guess i'll be praying about it all night.. haha.

random thoughts.
gosh, 3 more days and counting before my chance of Deferment is gone. LOL. this is the first time i'm doing a count down for my B'day, plus it isn't for anything but for Deferment from NS. hahas, i'm so craped. haha. its gonna be a weird day for me this friday.....
But seriously, i thank God for making my days so roller coaster these days. although its been frustrating, but i kinda get a little peace out from it.
i dunno how to explain it to you guys,
but its just seems so to me. haha. i'm having a really humorous life right now, nothing else can get better than this. =)) hahas.

Now. 1.54AM, 27 may.
its getting very late. if i don't get some sleep i'm gonna be late for tml. hahas. better go print those documents i need to bring for tml..
Good nights people. =)


i'm coming back.
Because its all about you =)

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