Friday, May 30, 2008

a series of unfortunate events?

Friday. 5:54am, 30 may.
ello people! a little early to post i have to say, hahas. didn't post for a few days already and i so wanna post what happened on wednesday, hahas. was the most hectic day for me that i've ever experienced. anyways wed's post will be on the previous post, so to look more organised and i can post thursday's event here. hahas.
woah, 2 post at one go, i don't think i'm going to manage.. plus another coming up about later events of my friday.. oh, faint. =_=

Thursday, 'Slumber'
basically i can skip a lot here, cause i totally didn't go for my first lesson at my private school, Penciltuitor.
refer to my previous post if you're curious about my school. lol.

Neither did i went to college's house to help out her work either. what i do? i pigged the whole afternoon! xD hahahas. i'm such an crap i know. hahas. okok, but i did wake up la in the end.

Woke up at 4pm. not long after went to gobble a packet of chicken rice younger brud got me. =) hehes thanks. then after use bath and change to stand-by to go out cause i know i can't stay at home all day. =x used computer while i waited.

Going out! 6pm.
Finally got stable and went out to meet a friend at causeway point. hahas, she hasn't changed a bit. still as lovely as ever. =)) think it has been about.. 3 months ago since i went out with her? hahas. its good to be back. =) we can still click together ever so good.. well at least i think so, lol. oh and victor, shut your mouth. hahas. xP

Pressie! =))
off course the motive of asking me out was to pass me my pressie hehes. cause she has to go for a camp the next day. wah, to be honest, this is a day i'll never forget. it was a day i get to see how much someone put their heart into making a present for me. hehes, you are loved. =)) oh and just so to let you know, you are the first in giving me, it's the first pressie i got, first in everything. hehes. x)

Dinner, my lunch actually. 7pm.
she was hungry so we went down to mac to spent Macdonald points away. but i didn't used mine cause i'm reserving mine for someone. hahahas, i'll post about it next time. total amount we gobbled: 2 student fillet meals, 1 pac' of Mc Wings and a takeaway 9 pic Nuggets.

after dinner we made our way to sembawang cause i meeting another group of friends. 1/2 of the reason is to send her home actually. =P hehes.

Traveling. 8:00pm
she got off earlier before me, was a little sad i could send her home after so much she've done for me.. hmmms. Alighted a the Semb' Interchange. took 882 instead of taxi to the eating house before sembawang park. then a stranger asked for change to drop in coins into the box for bus fare. so i gladly took out my wallet to return the kindness for those times i had the same situation. =)

Arrival. 8:40pm.
finally reached to see everyone almost finishing up. hahas, first thing i heard was college 's complain that she never felt so used in her life. first time she had to serve 3 big boys soup, plus she's the only girl there. hahahas. sat down and chat and have fellowship together. then was talking about getting a BBQ for later today.

Mainly inviting ken's boys and a few girls? LOL. i kinda feel sad i didn't invite people from my own age. =/ sorry guys.. cause i'm afraid things might turn out to be more of senior & junior thing. wanted the boys to feel more in control and responsible for the fun instead if you guys get what i mean. hahas. ken you wouldn't mind right? its their holidays. hahahas. don't worry, i'll promise i'll take care of e'm. =)

Wah. this was the shock. remember when i took out my wallet to help change money to the stranger? yeah, now when they wanna pay their bills i realised i lost my wallet. sad. i don't lose personal things so easily de. sad.

Went to backtrack myself and searched the whole place to made sure i really lost it in the bus. couldn't find it. sighs. Then college and college-to-be both accompanied me to the bus interchange and police station to make a report of lost wallet. thanks guys. =) afterwards we all went home.

Lament. (wallet.)
Gosh. for all things to be lost.. i lost my wallet. it was a birthday present that gan-mei ivy yeo gave me. =( i'm so sorry i lost it. and off course i lost everything in the wallet too. it has my IC (that's why i went to the police station.) POSB Bankcard and a $60+ amount. oh-oh and lots lots of discount cards inside.. Espirit, 77th Street, Timezone card with Qiu Song's balance inside.=x, and lots of old forgotten memories inside... hmm. i guess its time i let go of the past. hahas. don't worry it won't have anything to do with you guys/gals if you're reading, because the person i know has that relation will never read this blog one. hahas. plus its 2 years ago kind of thing already. lol. even if i didn't, she had already moved on. LOL.

Random comments: 7:02am.
Hmmm. but still losing a birthday present just feels so bad. sorry Ivy!
hmm, another person's birthday is also coming up. she was in my adventure camp group when i was leader.. hahas, she was very quiet then compared to now. so chor lor. xP hahas. gift already found but still haven't brought yet. think going to buy it a few days later after i settled for another wallet first.. hahas.

Oh! Oh! the Pressie i got on thursday! it was so nice! i've never got a gift like that in my life and i so love it. x)) hehes. its a sad thing you can't read this blog until you get your rest from camp this sunday.. can i kiss you? LOL! Don't worry its just a way of saying thanks, nothing more. hahas. =)
i'll so remember this day, the day that happened before my brithday. =)

Good Nights people! =D

in solitude i stray.
But with purity i pray.

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